Chapter 54- Royal Magic

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Third Person POV
Blake and Donald breathed heavily, eyes wide as they looked at the lifeless body on the floor. If what that lady had been saying this whole time was right then... then they just killed their mother.

Everybody else stood frozen in shock looking at the bloodied body of Blood Moon Pack's Luna. Alfred, who had been among the werewolves to come to help the Luna took a step back. The other werewolves followed, looking warily at the alpha. They no idea what their fate was at the moment. With their leader dead they had no path to take.

Alfred almost growled at the thought. How could this happen? How could the Luna be killed by a pair of weak human boys.

Jared snapped his gaze from Lauren's lifeless body to the werewolves that had betrayed their alpha. The ears of those in their wolf forms pulled back as they let out low whines. Those in their human forms had their heads bowed in shame and submission.

"You tried to have my daughter killed" Jared was shaking with rage and Cassandra's shocked gaze moved to him. "You joined forces with your Luna against me!"

Jared let out a sigh in a bid to keep his composure. His eyes scanned every single one of the traitors individually.

"I can't have this" Jared muttered, his eyes turning cold. "Each and everyone of you are hence forth exiled from Ice Moon Pack. You are no longer welcome in my pack".

Howls and groans of pain echoed as the pack bonds began to break. They had lost ties what they once considered their homes... their families.

"Get out of my sight!" Jared growled and immediately the werewolves rushed into the bushes leaving Harvest Moon Pack for good and never to be a part of Ice Moon Pack again. Alfred sent one last hateful glance at all who remained before equally vanishing into the forest.

Once they were gone, Jared's gaze shifted to the two boys who still stared at the corpse. Their bodies were trembling and Blake had lost a grip on the knife that he held. The bloodied weapon was now laid beside its lifeless victim.

"Boys" Jared whispered as he stepped closer to them, everyone else stood at a distance observed the interaction.

Donald finally shifted his gaze to the alpha and Jared's heart broke on seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Is what she said true?" Donald asked in a broken whisper like he was afraid to hear the answer for himself. "Is she-? Are you our parents?"

Blake looked at him expectantly. Jared stayed silent for a moment, debating on how to tell the truth. He came up with nothing and decided it was best to give them the straight forward answer.

"Yes", Jared whispered and watched their reactions. The boys eyes widened, moving from him to Lauren's body and back to him, almost in complete sync. He knew what they were thinking and his heart felt heavy in their behalf. He heard Cassandra's shocked gasp from where she was a few meters behind them tending to Jason's injuries while listening in on their conversation.

"We killed our mom", Donald's voice broke.

"It's not your fault" Jared offered comfort the best he could. "She was going to kill Cassandra and Jason, you saved their lives".

Blake sniffed and wiped his tears away with his hands. Cassandra stood up after inspecting the damage to Jason's arm and walked over to the group. Wordlessly, she pulled the two boys into a hug as she herself started to cry.

"You saved our lives. Please don't cry", Cassandra's voice was muffled by their shirts.

"You're crying" Blake points out. "Because you're crying" Cassandra counters.

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