Chapter 7- Frustration and Anger

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I grabbed a bowl of strawberries as a snack. I've been so hungry and frustrated. It's been a month and I haven't been able to leave this place yet. Duke is hearing none of my constant protests to live freely. I had tried to escape multiple times but Duke always caught me and eventually tripled the security in the mansion.

I angrily grabbed one of the strawberries and shoved it in my mouth. It's been a month and there is still no sign of my brothers and the frustration has been building up inside me.

"What's up?" Drake sneaked up behind me, startling me and grabbing one of my strawberries.

A sound between a growl and a snarl left my throat. It wasn't the way I would usually respond but my mood isn't the greatest right now. "", I growled, emphasizing every word.

Drake's eyes widened in shock and confusion but he obediently put down the strawberry. "Want to explain what's going on?" he asked and I let out a frustrated and tired sigh.

"Just tired", I lied. He scoffed in a way that said he didn't believe me as he took a seat beside me and gave me a stern look, "talk".

I groaned in annoyance but explained nevertheless. "It's just, I've been here for about a month now Drake. I have a life... I have a family and they need me", I complained and somehow I let a single tear roll down my cheek despite my efforts to keep it at bay.

"I'm so sorry Cassie. If I could I would've helped you", he said in a comforting tone. He wrapped his arms around me in a side hug. I cried into his chest and he let me vent out all my frustration on him just like the good friend he is.

Drake and Anna have been there for through everything and I owe them so much. Anna is literally the only female I've interacted within a whole month excluding the little exchange of words I've had with some of the maids.

Drake's watch suddenly started to beep ruining the calm atmosphere. He stared at it and I could tell he was a little annoyed and was trying to suppress a growl. "I need to go", he said before giving me a small squeeze and quickly leaving.

My gaze landed on the bowl of strawberries that had been long forgotten. I let out a small sigh before I continued eating my strawberries. Just as I washed up the empty bowl at the sink, the door opened and the very vampire I was still mad at walked in like he owns the place.

Well, technically he does but I don't really care.

He seemed a little frustrated, well so am I and he's gonna hear a word or two from me.

"What's the big bad vampire so mad about?" I teased.

"Not in the mood Cassandra", his voice was really low and threatening but not sparing me a single glance.

Too bad I didn't care.

"If you can't deal with me then let me go. It's that easy", I snarled.

"No" he didn't even bother to look at me. "I can't".

"But I thought the mighty vampire could do anything" I mocked and began stalking towards him. "You were able to kidnap me in a forest in the middle of the night, turn me into a monster, keep me here and force me into being your 'girlfriend'!" I began to rant, not forgetting to add air quotes in the 'girlfriend' part.

"You took me away from my life and family, disrespected me and just kept me here to rot and just letting me go is an issue. I don't love you! I never will so just let me live my life and you can go burn in hell!" I screamed.

Duke might have been nice to me this past month and has treated me well but I can't quite forgive him for making my life so complicated and miserable. He has this huge house and an amazing sister and brother whereas I lost the only family I ever had. My trust can't be bought with a few flowers and some attention.

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