Chapter 30- Not Him

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Jason's POV

I felt anger build inside me as she narrated her ordeal. She had gone through so much, but still remained strong. Hearing everything she said about her pain, her past, and all the torture she experienced, I couldn't help but admire her. How I once found her unbearable was beyond me.

Upon seeing the scars that littered her neck and arms, rage overtook me, and I saw red. I inwardly promised to make whoever did this to her pay.

"I'm going to kill the motherfucker who thought they could hurt our mate and get away with it!" Jackson's rage-filled voice rang in my head.

"Glad we're on the same page".

Jackson promptly took over, and a growl passed his lips as his eyes moved over the numerous scars that littered her pale skin. The anger was building up even more, if that was possible at this point.

The sick fucker had cut her with knives and the injuries didn't even look properly treated.

The moment I felt Cassandra's fingers move through my hair, I felt myself calm down. My anger subsided just a fraction. Jackson let out a small sigh before pulling Cassandra into his chest, providing comfort.

"I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt", Jackson told her. The anger was still present in his voice, but he was trying to keep calm.

"It's the past Jackson", she tells him with a teary smile which warmed our heart. She asked if she could continue and I nodded although I wasn't sure if we'll be able to keep our anger in check.

She told me more about her so-called uncle who had basically brainwashed and tortured her. My anger continued to rise, but I kept calm for her sake. I did what I knew she wanted someone to do... listen.

She kept silent for a moment her eyes brimming with tears as she let out what sounded like a whimper of pain. She looked so distant, looking off into space. From just looking at her, I could tell that she was reliving the past the last thing that she needed at this point.

"Let me take care of this", I tell Jackson before proceeding to take over.

"Cassandra?" she doesn't seem to hear me and instead suddenly bites hard on her lips. Her fangs pierced hard into the tissue causing blood the begin to trickle down her lips.

"Cassandra?" I call out in a second attempt to grab her attention. She looks up at me with wide, perplexed eyes. Her breathing was hard and labored. I inwardly cursed whoever it was for doing this to her.

I wipe my thumb over her bleeding lip, looking at the blood spot in worry. "You need to be more careful", I warn her, but she doesn't seem to hear me.

I looked at her to notice that she was focused on nothing else than the spot of blood on my finger. She then looks up at me and her tongue swipes over her lower lip. The look in her eyes is one I completely recognize. One that brought back images that I would have preferred to remain buried at the back of my mind.

The look of blood thirst and hunger.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I begin to back away from her with my eyes wide. No, this can't happen again. I couldn't let it happen again.

Her eyes focus on me as she tilts her head a bit to the side. Her smile looks hungry and sinister. Almost like... his.

"A girl saved me. She had blue eyes just like yours", my brows scrunch at the information. What the hell was she saying?

She begins to move closer to me and I inwardly panic. "Cassandra?" I called out to her again, hoping to snap her out of her trance, but it was futile. She places a hand on my chest and I instinctively lower myself on the bed.

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