Chapter 31- An Interesting Interaction

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"I wouldn't", I snarled angrily from the top of the stairs. It annoyed me that he just assumed that I would hurt his pack members before even knowing who I was.

Jason's father didn't even look like a dad. He looked like he was only a few years older than Jason. He looked more like his brother than his father.

I heard that all three supernatural beings age extremely slowly compared to humans.

"Well isn't it the lady of the moment", George announced sarcastically causing Jason to growl loudly from behind me and me to snarl angrily.

Preston just looked nervously between the father and son as if wondering what to do. "You are one annoying werewolf", I said with an eye roll.

Jason's dad growled at me and I fought hard not to flinch, it was damn scary. "What are you?" his head tilts in a bit of confusion and disgust, his nose scrunching up as he looked me over. I froze at the question. That damn question.

"Exactly what it feels like", I try to answer as confidently as possible. "You can't be serious! A witch?"

Surprise, surprise.

"A vampire and witch?" he laughed humorlessly. "How did it happen? How did you get mated to such a monster?" Jason is just glaring at his father while silently seething in rage while a low rumbling sound resonates from his chest.

"If she was just a witch it would have been okay at least but she's a vampire", he complained while giving me a pointed look. And what's wrong with that?" I snarled angrily. I feel my eyes start to flicker in shades and my palm began to heat up. I take a deep breath to stay calm, keeping both sides of me from fighting for dominance. The last thing I needed now was to loose control.

"Bloodsuckers like you are the problems we have. You're all the same, bloodthirsty and monstrous". Angry growls resonated from his chest but I did my best to stand my ground. His words affected me but I refused to show it.


"I strongly disagree", Drake was standing at the door with my brothers, taking off his jacket and giving George a disapproving look.

"Drake" George called out in surprise. "I didn't know you were around".

Drake ignored him. "You see me as bloodthirsty?" Drake asked in disgust taking a step forward.

"You're an exception Drake", George replied after his prior shock had worn off.  Guess he knew Drake just like some of the werewolves here seemed to.

Drake shook his head, "A few of us don't define all of us", Drake told him with a narrowed glare.

"She isn't bloodthirsty ", Blake spoke up though his voice was a bit shaky. George's eyes focus on him wide in surprise before turning to slits.

"What is this Jason? Humans?!"

Jason didn't seem affected from his father's anger as everyone else was. He just stared blankly at his father not giving any sort of reaction. "Uncle, calm down" Preston coaxed but he was promptly ignored. Jason's dad stomped his way over to my brothers angrily.

"George", Drake said in a warning tone as he went to stand protectively in front of my brothers. "Calm down".

"Don't tell me to calm down! I wouldn't allow this. First a vampire-witch and now humans?" George yelled in rage. "What if these humans spread the news about our existence?"

"We have no one to tell", Donald speaks up boldly from behind Drake with his arms crossed. "Chill out, would ya?" Donald scoffed.

George looks like he's about to pop a nerve while Preston and Drake seemed to be actively trying to hold back their laughter."What?" George bit out.

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