Chapter 53- Lost Love

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Third Person POV


Jason and Cassandra looked at the new arrival in complete shock. She had blue eyes that looked very similar to Jason's. Her blonde hair reached her waist and freckles dusted her cheeks. She looked the same but completely different.

"How do know my name?" The girl stepped forward her head tilting to the side as she examined the vampire and werewolf.

Her eyes darkened as she licked her lips, staring at her next victims. "Doesn't matter though" with that she pulled out a two knives from the side of her belt.

"Sophie, what are you doing?" Jason looked at his sister cautiously. He didn't know what was wrong with her but he knew she wasn't herself.

"What's wrong with her?" Cassandra muttered as she got into a fighting stance. She didn't want to fight the girl that saved her all those years ago but she also didn't want to die.

"I think she's under hypnosis" Jason replied.

A knife suddenly flew and landed only inches away from Cassandra, hitting the tree behind her instead. "What the-?" The breath is knocked out of Cassandra as Sophie's leg connects with her ribs.

Jason growled instinctively. He did not want his mate to get hurt. "Sophie, stop this!"

Sophie turned to Jason and let her claws extend as she growled at him. "I don't want to fight with you sis".

"How unfortunate" Sophie growled before pouncing on the alpha. She drew out her claws and scratched him on his side making him growl in frustration and pain.

Jason threw her off him causing her to roll and miraculously land on her feet. She lunged at Jason but before she could get to him Cassandra leaped unto her back making her loose her balance.

She pinned the raging werewolf to the ground. "Sophie, you saved my life" Cassandra snarled as she struggled to pin her down. "You can't kill me after all you did to save me!"

Sophie growled and pushed Cassandra off her. Jason rushed to help up his mate and growled threateningly at his sister.

"Sophie, remember when you and dad taught me how to fight?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She growled as she attacked the alpha once again. Jason dodged all her attacks skillfully.

They were both breathing heavily. Sophie was even faster than Jason remembered which wasn't surprising since she was the supposed alpha of Blood Moon Pack.

"For fucks sake Sophie snap out of it!" Jason yelled as Sophie swiped at his face again.

"You promised!" Cassandra shouted to get her attention. "You promised to protect me! You told me that you made a promise to someone, that you'll protect me!"

Now that Cassandra said it out loud, she wondered if Sophie had made the promise to her mother. Her real mother.

Sophie froze for a moment as if trying to process her words. She then shook her head aggressively and sprang at Cassandra. Cassandra quickly stepped to the side to dodge but obtained a scratch on her arm.

"Ugh", Cassandra groaned as she put her hand over her arm to control the bleeding. Jason was at her side in a matter of seconds. "Can you heal it?" He asked in concern as he watched the blood slip through her fingers. The scratch was deep.

"Yeah, but it's going to be slow. Can you buy me more time?"

Jason nodded, stood up and headed towards his sister. He evaluated her cautiously as she growled at him. He had already established she was under some sort of hypnosis which then left the question; who hypnotized her and why?

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