Chapter 43- Changed

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"So we just wait here for the pack members to arrive?" I ask and Natalie nods. "Yup. Jason addresses them then we party!"

We were currently waiting behind the stage by we I mean me, Jason, Natalie, and Preston, the others were somewhere blending into the crowd. Apparently, I had to be here since it was my duty as Luna even if it was just to be present. I wasn't officially Luna yet but I guess I have to start easing into the role.

"Think it's time", Preston said when he took a peek at the crowd. Jason nodded and made his way up to the stage with me, Preston and Natalie following behind him. I stood at his right and the other two stood at his left.

I noticed the looks I got from the pack members. Some of surprise, some of joy, some of worry, and some of disgust which is to be expected I guess.

"Thank you all for coming", Jason addressed the crowd. "As you all know..."

I blinked as my mind became fuzzy. Jason's words were a blur and my surroundings became blurry as well.

My fangs suddenly sharpened and I shook my head the moment they began to itch. Now wasn't the time to be bloodthirsty. I didn't even know why I was acting this way but something about it wasn't right. I rarely get bloodthirsty because of my witch side.

I felt a sensation course through me. It felt like fire was burning within me, I couldn't breathe. The feeling of fire and my blood thirst seemed to battle with each other and I swallowed hard trying to stay in control.

My eyes shifted to the back door of the stage. I needed to get out of here fast before I did something I would regret.

I was still contemplating whether to wait till Jason's speech was over or make a run for it when my eyes suddenly snapped to the front door of the hall.

I wasn't sure why but I did feel something. I'm not sure how to explain it, it felt like a ... presence? Multiple presences actually.

Before I could even blink, the doors burst open and the hall immediately broke out in chaos. A pack of wolves ran in and began attacking the Blood Moon Pack members.

The crowd immediately filled with screams as pack members tried not to get mauled. Jason and Natalie wasted no time in shifting and jumping off the stage while Preston jumped off without shifting.

It all happened in a flash. Without thinking, I leaped up the stage and collided with a wolf in midair as he attempted to leap on a pup.

My claws elongated and I stabbed it in its side. The pup ran immediately to her mother who had been looking for her admits the chaos. She gave me a grateful look.

"Run!" I ordered as I tried my best to hold down the wolf beneath me. She immediately obeyed, carrying her daughter in her arms and running to safety.

The wolf threw me off it and barred his canines as he let out a threatening growl. I refused to back down, taking a stance and letting out a snarl.

It growled again and leaped at me but before it could get to me, someone was already in front of me. Preston effortlessly snapped the wolf's neck before turning to face me.

I just saw him kill someone but it did nothing to me. I wasn't scared, at least not of him. But the situation? Very much so.

"I need to get you out of here", Preston spoke urgently as he grabbed my arm. I immediately pulled away from him. "No way!" I retorted.

"Do you want to die?" Preston growled at me and I snarled back. He sighed as he attempted to calm down, "Look, Jason wants you out of here as soon as possible. It's you they're after. Chances are they were sent by Lauren".

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