Chapter 25- The Agency

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Opening my eyes I squinted a bit trying to recognize my surroundings. From my peripheral, I see Jason sitting beside me with his elbow propped on the armrest and his head laid in his palm. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was sleeping.

It took me some time to remember where I was and to realize that I was lying on his lap. We must have fallen asleep here yesterday.

I stared at him wide-eyed and had to hold myself back from gasping before trying to get up from his lap without waking him up but no such luck. His eyes fluttered open slowly and gazed down at me, "Good morning", he mumbled in an extremely drowsy voice.

"Uh, good morning", I answer with my cheeks heating up a bit. How did we even get in this position?

"Why are you blushing?" his voice is still drowsy as he runs his hand through his hair causing the sleeve of his sweater to raise a bit. It was obvious that he wasn't fully awake and wasn't properly processing what he was saying before saying it.

"I... uh-" I trail off as my eyes land on the mark on his wrist. "What's that?" I ask as I point at the faded red crescent mark.

"It's the mark of the alpha bloodline in the Blood Moon pack. Every descendant of the alpha has this mark", he explains to me and I look at it curiously while still letting my finger glide over it. "That's interesting".

"Why does it look faded though?" I ask him and move my gaze from his wrist to his eyes. "Story for another day", he replies simply.

I let it be. I nod and stand up, moving towards the kitchenette at the side of the living room. I open up the fridge which has nothing but water and juice and grab a bottle of water.

"Why don't you ask me before you go snooping in my fridge?" Jason calls out to me. I just scoff, "You didn't ask me before you brought me here".

"Fair point".

Jason gets up from the couch we were previously on and heads toward the small corridor I went into yesterday. "I'm going to get ready to leave!" Jason calls out from inside. Why he was telling me this was way beyond me. It's not my business, he didn't have to keep me updated.

"Okay", I mumble and take a sip from the bottle. "Do you want to stay here while I'm gone?" He walks into the living room and I immediately avert my gaze. He was shirtless and had his shirt grasped in his hands. I noticed the long scar that moved from his forearm to the spot wrist above his wrist. It looked like it was a deep scar. I averted my gaze as my cheeks heated up slightly from the sight of his bare upper body.

"Uh... n-no. I-I'll just hang out with Caroline today or something. I don't want to be lonely". I look back at him for a fraction of a second and see the smirk on his face. "Sure", he drawls and walks back into the corridor to where I think his room was. "By the way, you look cute when you're flustered". I look at his retreated bareback with mouth agape.

Where did that even come from?

I leave the apartment the moment he walks back into the corridor. Preston and Caroline's apartment was just a few feet away. I haven't spent much time with Caroline since she's always with her guard dog who hates me for no reason whatsoever. I don't remember doing anything to him and last I remember it was him who tried to kill me.

I stand nervously at the door for a few seconds and draw a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on the door. The door opens before my fist makes contact with it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

And I stood face to face with my number one hater. Lucky me! Preston had his brown hair slicked back and wore a black jacket with the logo of a red moon on its side. Why did that logo look so familiar?

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