Chapter 46- Reliving Nightmares

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I strolled along the darkness feeling sad and alone. Even with my night vision I couldn't see anything. I felt empty.

The silence was too loud and agonizing. I couldn't even feel my footsteps hitting the ground beneath. I felt cold and scared. The cold seemed to be tearing through my flesh into my empty soul.

Then suddenly I spotted a light and naturally I followed it. The closer I got the more a figure seemed to come into my vision. I moved closer and slowly the figure started to look incredibly familiar.

"Jason!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Words could not describe how happy and I relieved I was to see him. He turned to me and his eyes widened, "angel?"

I flew into his arms and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. I hid my face in his shirt and let out all my frustration and fear. "I'm so scared Jason. I'm so scared", I sobbed into his shirt as he continued to hold me to him.

"I'm scared they'll kill me, I'm scared they'll destroy everything", my voice cracked. "I'm scared that you're just a dream".

He lifted my chin gently and stared straight into my eyes. I could see the sadness in his ocean blue eyes but I could also see the relief. "Don't cry angel, I promise, everything is going to be fine".

He used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears from my face. "And I'm not a dream".

I looked around us, the formerly dark area was now dimly lit. I then looked back at Jason. "Where are we?"

"This is the spot between our bond. We can meet here whenever we are separated in some way", he explained and I nodded.

"Jason" I started looking into his eyes as my voice lowered down to a whisper. "I think they're going to kill me".

I almost jumped back at the loud growl that resonated from the depths of Jason's throat. His eyes flashed a golden color. "Don't say that", his voice sounded deeper and more dangerous than usual.

"The Royal magic in me had manifested, Jason. They want it. They'll extract it and then kill me". His arms suddenly tightened around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

"No one is going to kill you Cassandra", his head then rested on my shoulder. "I can't live without you".

My heart suddenly skipped a beat at his words. I knew the same went for me, I don't know how I ever lived without him but now I've found him, I never want to let him go.

"I can't be without you either".

Jason POV
I suddenly sprang up in bed, covered in sweat. I looked around me to find myself in my room. Though it felt emptier without Cassandra sleeping next to me on the bed.

"He's up!" Natalie exclaimed as I just noticed her presence next to me. She had bags beneath her eyes and looked extremely tired, her eyes were also red like she had been crying.

She reached over to my forehead to check my temperature. "You seem to be back to normal. You've had a fever since yesterday and I think your mate going missing has something to do with it".

I sighed and leaned on my headboard just as Preston came over beside me and took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"You okay?" He asked and I simply nodded. I was still angry at what I'd learned but was trying not to show it. The mere thought of those idiots laying a finger on my mate made me want to go on rampage.

"I saw her", I told them. "She's in the witch territory. Alexander and Lucinda want to take Royal magic now that it's activated and they are also in possession of black magic".

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