Chapter 18- Come Here

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Jason's POV
"Can you guys distract her or something?" I ask the siblings after I met them talking in the kitchen. They give me confused looks, "why?" Anna asks me.

Cassandra being at the bonfire could turn into a disaster quickly. If my pack members find out there's a vampire in the pack and worse she's my mate and their Luna, things weren't going to end well.

And my father might be there as well and I don't want him anywhere near Cassandra. I don't trust he'll even let her live. "She's a vampire", I state simply hoping they could figure out the rest.

"So am I" Drake says with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. I'm sure he didn't like the thought of his friend not being at the celebration but I didn't have much of a choice.

"They already know who you are" Anna tells him with a small smile as she places an arm on his shoulder. "Jason is just trying to protect Cassandra".

Am I? I ponder it for a second and realize that's exactly what I'm doing. No, I just don't want any conflict to break out, it has nothing to do with Cassandra's safety. Nothing at all.

"Can you guys take her away from the pack house while we set up?" I ask again hoping they'll agree. Drake doesn't say anything but Anna nods, "yeah of course".

I thank them before going over to Preston's apartment to get him. I knock and Caroline answers the door. "Hi Jason" she greets "Preston isn't getting up".

I smile and shake my head, that was so typical of him. It's not like he can't wake up early but he just rather not.

"Can I come in?" I ask Caroline and she nods. She signals me to follow her and takes me to their bedroom. "Preston, get up! Jason is here" he just groans and turns away from her.

"Haul some ass . It's morning !" I yell and try to shake him awake. "Fuck off asshole" he mumbles begrudgingly. "Offensive" I mutter and Caroline laughs.

She signals me to stay quiet, she goes to a drawer and pulls out a whistle and gives me mischievous smile. I try hard to hold back my laughter as she blows the thing so loudly I had to close my ears to avoid going deaf.

"Holy mother fucker!" Preston yells in shock as he falls off the bed. Caroline and I begin laughing our asses off while Preston glares at us.

"Your cousin told me to do it" Caroline lies as she points accusingly at me. "What the-, Presto I swear I didn't do shit. It was your mate" I say and send a playful glare at Caroline.

"Who should I believe?" Preston asked as he sat up against the wall while feigning looking deep in thought, "My mate or my dumbass cousin".

"Excuse me" I say in mock offense. "The answer is obvious. Get out Jason" Preston scoffs and glares at me with his arms crossed.

Great, now I'm getting kicked out.

"Fine" I bite out all while Caroline is trying to hold back her laughter. " but get ready quick. We need to set up for the bonfire".

"Whatever" I hear Preston say in an exhausted tone as I leave. I head outside and smile when I see my pack members outside going about different activities.

"Good morning alpha Jason" I get greetings as I walk past the huge lawn of the pack house. "Good morning", I answer.

"Alpha! alpha!" I turn back to see some kids running towards me. "Hey" I'm almost knocked down when they jump at me at the same time but manage to keep my balance.

"Thank you for canceling school" the girl says as she hugs my leg tightly. I laugh, "you're welcome".

I had announced a sort of pack holiday because I just thought my pack needed at least a day to have a bit of rest. No work and school. And it was the perfect time to throw the bonfire for the pack soldiers.

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