Chapter 15- First Shift

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Jason's POV
The sound of glass breaking echoes through the kitchen. Before I can register what's happening, I hear Cassandra scream. I feel a sharp pain on my chest and I place my hand over it as I gasp for breath.

When I turn to her, I see that the glass she had been previously holding was shattered on the ground spilling its content. She stood there wide eyed as her arms trembled and she tried to gasp for breath. She looked even paler than usual and absolutely terrified.

I move towards her just as her legs give out, almost making her land on the broken glass pieces but I catch her before she does.

"Cassandra, are you okay. What's happening?" I rush out in a panic. Her silver eyes start to glow as she stares at me wide eyed. Her once innocent features turn vicious within seconds and she snarls at me. "Don't touch me", her voice sounds dry and pained.

Before I could process what the hell was happening, a wave of pain runs throw my chest to my whole body. It felt like my entire body had been put ablaze. I gasp for breath and put one hand on my chest while using the other to gently push Cassandra on the part of the floor that isn't covered in broken glass.

Her breaths are rugged and shallow and I felt myself getting worried without even realizing it. I felt another wave of pain and I groan just before she lets out a loud scream and starts panting.

Her body starts convulsing, as if having a seizure. What's going on? "Cassandra-" I trail off just as another wave of pain hits me and I fall to the ground on one knee.

I squeeze my eyes shot as my brain starts to cloud. I only barely hear the sounds of rushed footsteps in out direction. "Cassandra? Jason?" I hear what I think is Natalie's voice. I feel hands grip my shoulders firmly.

I open my eyes to see Preston looking at me with a worried and panicked expression. "Jason,Can you hear me?" He asked as if trying to pull me back into reality.

"Mate", I mutter without thinking. "Can't breath. Mate!" I yell out and fall over to a crouching position when another wave of pain hits me again. My claws elongate and from the corner of my eyes, I see Cassandra's do the same before retracting.

Preston looks down at my claws and then looks in Cassandra's direction before saying, "this has something to do with the mate bond".

Natalie crouched down beside me and rubs my back soothingly. "What? He's mated? To who?" she asked in confusion and shock. Drake and Anna look questionably at Preston waiting for an answer.

Preston doesn't answer them and doesn't look away from me for even a second. "Jason, I need you to take deep breaths".

"Mate!" I growl out before groaning in pain almost immediately after. "This isn't good" I hear Caroline mumble from her place beside the convulsing vampire . She, Drake and Anna were checking on her, trying to find out what's going on.

"I think she's having her first shift", Drake announces. Why is her first shift happening so late of age? "Maybe Jason is feeling it too because of the mate bond", I hear Preston tell the others.

"Did you just say mate bond?" Drake's surprised voice seems to echo in my head making my ears ring. Anna and Natalie look between me and Cassandra in shock and their eyes widen from the news but I couldn't care less at the moment.

"MATE!" I yell and Cassandra's body starts to jerk with even more force. "Shit, do something!" Someone yells and I assume it's Caroline.

I feel a grip on shoulders again and I lunge at the person without thinking. Preston is promptly pulled out of my way by Natalie and I feel relief wash through me since I didn't bite his arm off.

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