Chapter 33- The Blood Moon

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I paced around the room feeling weary and restless for reasons I didn't even know. My claws were now on full display and aggressive snarls would leave me every few seconds.

My body was constantly twitching, a felt pain like fire burning me inside out but it didn't bother me much, I've been through worse. Much worse.

My head was pounding and I could feel the two sides of me fighting for dominance. I groaned as I felt the burning within me increase. A sign that my witch side wanted out.

I began panting, breathing was becoming difficult. I held my chest as I highly aggressive snarl slid between my teeth.

Without thinking, I sank my claws into my bedspreads, slicing deep enough to affect the mattress.

The burning increased and I fell to my knees clutching my chest in pain as tears began sliding down my cheeks.

It hurt.

Admits the pain I heard a knock on the door. It sounded so distant to me, like a vague dream that I almost didn't process it. The knock came again and I tried to stand up to get it but my feet refused to move. I tried opening my mouth to tell whoever it was to come in but I couldn't form words.

The knock was heard again, more rushed this time before whoever it was gave up and kicked the door open.

Drake stared at me with wide eyes. He was covered in sweat and gripping his side in pain. His eyes were a shade of yellow I didn't see quite often.

"Are you okay Cassie?" He rushed to my side despite his obvious pain. He should be worrying about himself, not me.

The only reply I could give him was a soft whimper as I clutched my chest. "I-it hurts", I manage to groan out in a whisper.

"It's supposed to", Drake answered his gaze shifting to the window for a fraction of a second before looking back at me. "It's almost here".

"What is?" I didn't understand what he was saying. I didn't understand why he was acting so strangely, I didn't understand why I was acting so strangely.

"The Blood Moon". I raised a brow in confusion. What did the blood moon have to do with the amount of pain I was currently feeling?


"The blood moon makes vampires crave blood, they wouldn't stop till their bloodlust is satisfied. And it hurts like hell till you're able to get enough blood to satisfy your thirst".

I just blinked at him not knowing how to process the information. The last thing I wanted was blood, not after I took Jason's a few weeks ago. I rarely ever want blood and whenever I do I'm disgusted at myself. When did I become such a monster?

"Does it affect only vampires?" I ask in curiosity. Drake nods but then winces in pain. He stays silent for a moment trying to recollect himself before adding, "Well, except Jason".

I raised a brow at that. Jason is a werewolf, what does he have to do with this? Drake seems to sense my confusion because he answers my unasked question.

"The day Jason was made alpha was the night of the blood moon and this led to him being bound to it". I remember Jason telling me something like that after the bonfire.

"He changes forms right?" I ask, repeating Jason's words. Drake nodded.

"To what?" Drake offers me a single shrug. Just as I was about to push for more answers another wave of pain overcame me and I found myself craving blood like never before and the moon hadn't even risen yet.

I became increasingly aware of the scent of humans in the building and I immediately put my hand over my nose.

This is bad.

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