Chapter 24- Argument

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They blinked at us in astonishment. We had just told them about everything. Caroline's mouth dropped open in shock while Preston glared at me fiercely. "You're even more of a freak than I thought", he snarled with a look of disgust. Jason gave him a warning growl and he immediately kept his mouth shut and lowered his gaze apologetically. "Sorry", he mumbled but the apology was more to Jason than me. I always found it funny when Jason shut him up like that.

The sound of something breaking and shouting was enough to send Jason, Preston, Caroline, and me out of the library. "What the fuck was that?" Preston inquired to no one in particular as we ran towards the noise.

We ran down the stairs into the living room where pieces of glass lay on the floor. Drake stood in a corner, his fists clenched and his eyes held a yellow glow- a sign that he was beyond mad. Between his fists was a crumbled-up piece of paper. I froze and stared at him. Since all my months of knowing Drake, I've never once seen him this angry.

I was also surprised to see Natalie standing in front of him. Her bags were on the floor and she was saying something to Drake in a soothing tone but he seemed not to be paying attention.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked catching the attention of the two in the room. Natalie looked up at Jason with a worried expression written across her face. "Anna left".

"She did what?" Preston exclaims and begins pacing. He ran his hand through his light brown hair, before slamming his fist at a wall.

"Calm down", Jason speaks up making Preston sigh in defeat but Drake lifts his gaze to him, his eyes burning in pure rage. "Calm down? My sister is missing and all you can say is calm down?!" His voice is loud and angry and I resist the urge to leave the room and run for dear life.

"Where'd she go?" Caroline asked. It was obvious she was trying to distract them because it seemed like those two were going to break into a fight. Trust me no one wants to witness a fight between a werewolf and a vampire.

"To Dracula's fucking palace", Drake snarls angrily. "Fuck!" Jason exclaims. Preston begins pacing again and Natalie looks extremely worried. I don't know if it's because I'm dumb but I can't for the life of me pinpoint why they are acting that way.

Dracula is the king of vampires that both Drake and Duke work for. That's what Drake told me back at the manor anyway. I don't know why Anna would go to the palace. I don't know if she works there as well but I doubt it, she's a witch. Maybe that's why they are so agitated, a witch in a vampire's palace can't be a good thing, right?

"He's going to fucking kill her", Drake said angrily. Caroline was shifting uncomfortably next to me, she looked extremely confused. At least I wasn't the only one out of the loop.

"He wouldn't kill her", Natalie says firmly. She seems to be trying to spark some sort of hope. "We left without telling him and even worse we entered a werewolf territory. He may not kill her but he sure as hell is going to hurt her".

I couldn't wrap my head around the reason Anna would leave. She wasn't stupid, on the contrary, she's very intelligent although she doesn't think things through at times. She probably knew going to the palace would be dangerous but did it either way. I can just hope she has a well-thought-out plan.

"Fuck it. I'm going to find her myself", Drake snarled as he matched out towards the door. Jason stands in front of him blocking his path. "You can't do that".

"Jason, get the fuck out of my way", Drake snarled at him. Jason didn't seem to like this and growled back. They stare at each other dead in the eye as if waiting for the other to make a move. They were challenging each other. There was no way this would end well.

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