Chapter 4- Meeting Drake

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Cassandra POV

We were done with breakfast and we were now walking to his room. My head bent in thought as I stared at my feet. I was still trying to process everything; the fact that I was a vampire, the fact that I was another supernatural being that I knew nothing about, the fact that I was living with multiple vampires that I didn't trust in the slightest, the fact that my brothers were arrested and lastly how to make a plan to get out of this place.

"We're here", I heard a voice announce.

I finally looked up at the vampire beside me then at the door in front of us, we were now at his room.

"You know you're now my girlfriend right?" he asked casually.

"I never agreed to a relationship", my voice was low and monotone as I looked at him coldly.

"I get whatever I want Cassandra and I could easily kill you if you refuse", his voice also became more stern and cold. I knew he was starting to show off his actual personality.

I scoffed, "I rather die. I'm not your slave, you can't tell me what to do".

He suddenly moved closer to me and I stepped backwards till my back hit the door. "We'll see just who is in control Cassandra", he whispered in my ear and then backed away like nothing happened.

"I have to go to work now, you're free to walk around and whatever but don't even think of escaping. Not like you can anyway", he whispered the last part and walked off.

I waited till he gone before opening the door with the key he gave me earlier. The door had an option of key or finger print which I thought wad somewhat cool and I was using the key since he hadn't put in my finger print yet.

I went straight to the closet to pick out an outfit hoping he had something good enough for me to wear. I was surprised to see lines of clothes in different brands as I entered the walk-in closet. There were also accessories in a few of the drawers at the side of the room. There was jewelry, hair ties and even make-up.

I picked out a simple black tank top with sweats, a hoodie and combat boots. It was autumn so the weather was starting to get cold. I took of my dirty bloodied clothes, I dragged my shirt over my head making the locket round my neck lift up and drop back unto my chest.

I looked at it and smiled. It was a gold locket with the words 'Cassie' written on it. My father had given it to me on my tenth birthday. I had been trying to open it ever since but it just won't budge so I eventually gave up and focused on its beauty instead. I traced my finger over it, "I miss you mom and dad".

I jumped into the shower and let the hot water run down my body, it was so relaxing especially in the cold weather. I watched the blood and death go down the drain wondering just how dirty I must have been.

I got out and wrapped myself in a towel and used another one to dry my hair. I was surprised at the toiletries that were in here and they seemed really good quality. The shampoo and conditioner smelled divine.

I even found a brush and stood in front of the mirror brushing my long dark hair. I stared at myself for a bit, my round face long black hair and silver-grey eyes which had long lost their glow.

I was beautiful or at least that's what people told me. But looking at myself I see a hollow shell of my former self. Sure, I laugh and crack jokes to lighten the mood but it's just to hide what I'm feeling.

I pretend to be this cheerful girl that everyone loves and wants to be around but inwardly I'm breaking and struggling to keep myself together- only a handful of people can see this.

People tell me that with my beauty I can easily get any guy I want but I always scoff inwardly. Guys would try to flirt with me but if they knew who I really was they would be running for their lives. I didn't necessarily kill people but that's what the media fed the public- with lies, just for publicity. Most if not all the population thought I was evil... a monster.

No guy would want someone as tainted and broken as me so the idea of the term people call 'love' scares me. To me love is just a waste of time and a foundation for heartbreak. It's just something that makes you feel happy and assured and leaves you broken when faced with rejection.

It's a stupid concept but why does part of me want it?...

I let out a broken sigh as I stepped away from the mirror. I hate looking in the mirror but it's something I can't really avoid.

I put on my clothes and headed out, I needed to clear my head. Earlier on, when the kidnapper guy and I were going back to the room I was secretly scanning the manor and I understood what he meant when he said I couldn't leave. There were not just maids but guards also, and some doors even had passwords.

I sighed in annoyance and ran my hand through my hair. I put my hands in my hoodie pockets and just kept walking forward increasing my pace.

I wasn't paying attention and crashed straight into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going". "No worries", I looked up to see a young guy who looked a lot like the one who kidnapped me smiling down at me.

"Cassandra, right?" he asked.

I didn't answer and just retorted with my own question, "You are?", I asked with a raised brow and and blank expression."I'm Drake", he replied still smiling. His smile was oddly comforting but I didn't let my guard down.

Don't trust anyone.

A moral I learnt from my line of work.

"You're related to that kidnapper guy", I stated.

"Duke? Yeah, he's my older brother" he answered, a slight look of disgust crossing is features for just a second "How'd you know anyway?"

"You guys look alike", I shrugged. He scoffed in annoyance. He seems dislike his brother as much as I do.


"Wanna hang out?" I asked which seemed to catch him by surprise probably not expecting me to want to hang out with him after finding out he was the brother of my kidnapper but I wasn't particularly bothered.

I nodded as we started our walk and he took me to the living room where we sat with hot chocolate enjoying each others company. He seemed like a nice guy and I lowered my guard now starting to feel more comfortable with him. It rarely feel comfortable this fast with anyone. I even found it difficult to lower my guard around my brothers when I first moved in with them, well except Blake.

I only easily trusted an old friend of mine that I met a while back, Natalia and the person I basically owed my life to... Sophie Hunter. I haven't seen Natalie since our fourth time of meeting and I haven't seen Sophie since the first.

"So you're Duke's new girlfriend?" Drake voice woke me from my daze.

"Hmm? Uh I'm not really into the whole relationship thing", I answered honestly.

He released a sigh, "Duke is really... unpredictable" he revealed. "Just be careful, okay?" the genuineness in his tone made me smile.

"Always am", I replied confidently.

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