Chapter 40- The Love of a Mother

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My hands immediately went to my neck, pulling on the collar of my sweater to allow passage of oxygen. My breaths became more rushed and more panicked and tears began to prick my eyes.

I need to breathe. I need to breathe.

"Cassie?" Jason had rushed to my side, trying to calm me down but the whole time my eyes were glued on the alpha who was equally frozen in shock.

"Cassie breathe" Jason reminded. He put my palm on his chest, taking  breaths and urging me to follow his lead. After a few tries I finally calmed down but my eyes never left the alpha. Everyone looked both genuinely confused and worried. I couldn't blame them.

"Are you okay?" Preston leaned forward to ask. I nodded mindlessly, my mouth agape as my entire being continued to tremble.

"Cassandra?" Agnes whispered in worry. George was looking between me and the alpha with furrowed brows and a bit of suspicion.

"Alpha?" The beta was trying to gain the attention of the alpha as he stood frozen with his gaze on me. Suddenly, the alpha snapped out of his trance. He moved forward his hand reaching out to me. "Cassie?" He called out in a whisper.

Out of pure instinct, I leaned back, almost falling off my chair. My eyes were wide in panic.

It can't be him. It can't be the same person. He's supposed to be dead.

Jason looked between us in confusion as he stabled me on the chair to make sure I didn't fall. George had his eyes narrowed at both of us, a look of confusion also present in his features. Natalie, Preston, Agnes and the Ice Moon Pack beta looked panicked and confused.

"Do you know each other?" Jason asked. I shook my head, in more of denial as tears began running down my cheeks. Yes, we did know each other but... he's dead.

He's supposed to be dead.

"Cassie", Natalie sounded extremely panicked but before anyone could do anything, he embraced me.

The alpha embraced me.

"I'm sorry", I could see the corner of his eyes fill with tears as he hugged me tighter. "I'm so sorry".

I could see the shocked and confused faces of everyone in the room as to be expected. I froze in shock before a stifled sob left me. Was it a cry of happiness, confusion or relief? I'm not sure but I cried nonetheless.

"Dad", I choked out as I hugged him tighter. It felt like a dream it was so surreal. I feared it was a dream, that the moment I woke up I would be hit with the harsh reality. But somehow, everything seemed so real, so authentic. He was flesh and blood. He was living and that was what confused me the most.

"Alpha?" The beta questioned with clear panic in his eyes and confusion was evident as well. I couldn't blame him though, I just called his alpha my dad.

I could see the shock on everyone's faces at my words sunk. Jason opened his mouth to say something before quickly closing it and opening it again. It was as if he was contemplating his next words. "I thought..." Jason paused trying find the best way to phrase his question. "I thought you were an orphan?"

"I thought so too", I whispered looking to my father for an explanation. None of this made sense. My father who I had thought had died years ago was alive and how did my human father become an alpha?

"I'll explain everything", he answered back in a whisper taking a seat beside me. We held onto each other, refusing to let go because how could we? We thought we were separated and then miraculously pop into each others lives again. A part of me was saying that I had missed it somewhere, that this wasn't my father. I was hallucinating, I was seeing things but everyone could see it too couldn't they? They could all see him so maybe it wasn't my imagination. This is reality.

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