Chapter 50- Alpha's Orders

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I had no idea when I did it. I blame it on my instincts. The moment my tongue swiped over his lips my instincts went crazy. His blood just tasted so nice. It was a medicine for the beast within me that craved it. I couldn't help but want more.

Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed his collar and pulled him close to me. My fangs sunk into the side of his neck and I relished the taste of his blood as it touched my tongue and flowed down my throat. I hummed in satisfaction. It was just what I needed.

Jason didn't struggle or tense up like he did the last time. This time he seems to completely trust and didn't mind the amount of blood I was ingesting. The thought made my heart flutter.

The thought of possibly draining him crossed my mind and I pulled away from him before it became a reality.

I pulled away from him roughly and aggressively wiped my lips with the back of my hand. I had to admit, his blood did help me. I could already feel some of my injuries healing and my strength replenishing. A part of me wanted more but I fought the temptation.

"You still need more?" Jason asked looking at me warily. "No" I answered a bit harshly as I adverted my gaze. I didn't want to look at him, it would only heighten the temptation.

"Are you sure? You can take more if you want", his brows were furrowed and he looked at me with concern. I hated that I was making him worry. He moved a bit closer to me and I panicked. "I'm fine", I snarled harshly before roughly pushing him away.

He didn't say anything and just kept his gaze on me, his brows furrowed. I wasn't sure why but I felt instantly guilty. "I'm sorry", I muttered an apology and he finally smiled at me making my heart flutter all the more. "It's fine, you've had a rough time".

Jason's phone rings and he immediately picked it up. "I swear to god Jason, if you don't bring my sister back right now I'll chop off your dick and feed it to a frog!" Donald yelled angrily from the other line making Jason roll his eyes unintentionally.

"He means, 'bring Cassandra back safe please'" Jason heard Zane say in a much calmer tone. "I'm working on it" Jason replied as he sent a side glance at me as I watched the interaction curiously.

"Be quick, the king and queen are about thirty minutes away", Zane said in calm tone though we both knew he was far from calm. "On it" with that he ended the call and got down on one knee in front of me urging me to get on his back.

"Get on", Jason ordered. "No", I replied stubbornly and crossed my arms over my chest. "I can walk on my own".

"This would be faster", Jason countered but I still refused to get on. Jason sighed in slight frustration before meeting my gaze. "Please love?"

I  was caught completely off guard and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Um- okay fine, whatever", I mumbled as I climbed up on his back. I did my best not to look at his neck as he broke into a full sprint.

"I don't want to bite you", I murmured close to his ear as he ran. "Bite me whenever you feel like it. I'm all yours" I bit her lip as her heart rate increased at his words. I sighed and just let myself relax into his back, "I wouldn't bite you. Thanks for the offer though". Jason chuckled, "you're welcome love".

It didn't take long before we arrived at the car. Zane was in the driver's seat while Donald was in the passenger's seat with a walkie-talkie. Jason and I climbed into the back.

"You're okay", Zane exhaled in relief the moment his eyes landed on me. "Yeah, thanks to you guys".

"I missed you", Donald shrieked and then hugged me the best he could while wearing a seatbelt, in other words he was just hugging my head.

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