Chapter 48- The Ambush

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Jason POV

The sun hasn't risen yet but we are ready to head out. For the past few weeks, we've been strategising on how to get into the witch territory. We considered going in undetected but that's nearly impossible so we went for the second option- force.

Anna and Cassandra have been in there way too long and we've had enough of it. If it means starting war to get them back then that's exactly what we're going to do.

"We're ready to go", Natalie told me. I could see the determination in her eyes, not only to get her friends back but to gain revenge for those pack members and soldiers who were killed. We didn't start this war, they did, by messing with my mate- the Luna of this pack- and my pack members.

"Alright", I answered before moving to address the soldiers that were joining in the ambush. "Okay everyone, the time has finally come. We would divide into four groups. Two would break into the two barriers surrounding the entrance to the witch kingdom. The third would clear a part for the fourth group that would ambush the palace".

I explained and the soldiers nodded showing that they understood. "Gamma Natalie would lead the first group, Davis would lead the second, Preston would lead the third and I would lead the fourth. Duke and Drake would join in the fourth group".

"I want you surrounded during the ambush Jason", someone spoke up from behind me and when I turned back to see my mom, I nearly rolled my eyes. "That isn't necessary".

Mom's growl made me shut up instantly, I still don't know how she manages to do that. "The witches would probably go after you so you need to be surrounded at all times". Knowing that I probably wouldn't win an argument against my mom, I agreed. "Fine".

I turned back to address the soldiers, "Remember your fallen comrades, remember the loss these witches have caused us, remember the deaths, the tears, the pain". Angry growls began to resonate from the crowd remembering their pain. "Are we going to let them get away with this?" I questioned.


A smirk crossed my lips, pleased with the charged atmosphere. "Then let's make them regret". I got vicious screams and howls in response.

I'll have you back by my side soon, Cassandra.

Third Person POV

The prince sat in the study looking through some documents. His mind wasn't in his work though but in the princess he hadn't seen in a while. When he had returned with the meal she had requested that day, he had returned to an empty room. When he questioned his parents about Annalise's disappearance they replied by saying that Annalise had been sent to the clinic because her sickness had gotten worse.

Prince Glendon wasn't stupid. Something about his parents' words didn't seem to be adding up. There was a feeling within him that was painfully nagging, a feeling that told him that the princess wasn't safe. When he had requested to see her his parents promptly turned down his request. He had been getting suspicious so when his parents left for their trip to the north of the kingdom, he decided to visit the clinic but wasn't let in by the staff.

Glendon groaned in annoyance as he shut his documents. His mind was spiraling and her well-being and whereabouts were the only things on his mind. Something told him not to believe his parents, Annalise wasn't safe.

He remembered the subtle hints she would usually drop, telling him that his parents were up to no good. He never really thought much about it but now...

He immediately got up from his chair, his fists clenched. His parents were definitely lying to him, he should have looked into this sooner. He walked out the door heading for the clinic. He went straight to the receptionist who seemed intimidated by his presence.

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