Chapter 8- The Legend

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Anna had told me to meet her at the library so we could work on my healing techniques. I was on my way there when I heard some hushed voices talking in one of the rooms. I went to check what was going on to see Duke and Drake talking. Drake seemed really distressed and it felt weird for me to see Duke comforting his brother despite equally looking distressed. During the time I've known them I've never seen them have a normal discussion that didn't involve an argument.

"You do know she's miserable, right?" Drake asked with a narrowed look and a quirked brow. He sat on a couch while Duke stood leaning on a wall at the corner of the room, looking his brother over in concern.

"I know but I'm trying to keep her safe even though it doesn't seem like it" Duke replied. He let out a soft sigh and made his way towards the couch but made sure he left some space between them. Drake turned away from him not even wanting to look him in the face.

"I'm really sorry", Duke's voice was soft and genuine. Drake finally turned to him with a hard look, "Sorry isn't going to erase everything you've done. It isn't going to erase all the pain that Anna and I have experienced. And it's not going to help Cassandra", Drake's voice was low but harsh.

"I understand" Duke replied sadly "I know it wouldn't be easy for you to forgive me but I promise I'll make it up to you. All of you." A look of determination crossed his features, "I'll find that witch and I wouldn't let him hurt you" Duke promised making a small smile to spread across Drake's lips though he tried to hide it.

At that point I felt like I should leave since Anna was still waiting for me. I couldn't help but think about the brothers' conversation. I replayed it over and over again in my head. If Duke didn't want to keep me here apparently but the way he spoke told me he had no choice. How could he have no choice? Also, who was this witch that attacked Duke and is seemingly under cover here in the mansion? Who was Duke trying to protect Drake from?

I walked into the library to see Anna shelving and organizing a few books. She also seemed to be looking for something. "Hey", I greeted.

"Oh Cassandra", she looked up from looking through the pages of one of the books and gave me a warm smile. "I've been trying to find a book on vampire healing. Can you help me?"

"Sure", I answered. The library was quite huge. I'd been there before but I still couldn't quite navigate my way through the rows of shelves well yet.

I went in between shelves and started to look for a book on vampire healing. As I walked past a shelf, a heavy looking book suddenly fell out of it right beside my feet. I picked it up and put it back on the shelf. The book suddenly threw itself out and ended up hitting me square in the stomach. I held on to my belly as I groaned in pain. The book was so heavy. I went to check if there was anything in the shelf that was stopping the book from going in.

When I found nothing, I put the book back only for it to be thrown back with even more force than last time. I managed to jump out of the way on time but was very shocked the moment the book changed direction and hit me again in the stomach a lot harder than before. This time I screamed and it seemed to grab Anna's attention as she ran up to me seconds later.

"What happened?" she asked as she saw me crouched and grabbing my stomach.

"That book is trying... to kill me", I said while gasping for breath and pointing accusingly at the book.

Anna raised a questioning brow and looked me over like I was crazy. "Did you hit your head or something?" she asked in suspicion and concern I would have thought she was joking if she didn't look so serious. I got a little annoyed at that. "No", I pouted childishly causing Anna roll her eyes at me. She picked up the book and went to place it back on the shelf. I moved as far as possible so that the book wouldn't hit me again.

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