Chapter 35- Snake

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Third Person POV
"We've been waiting long enough!" Lauren growled, her hands balling into fists. "I want Cassandra dead and her worthless mate as well".

"Her magic is getting stronger soon it'll be impossible for us to get her. We need to take her and drain that magic before she causes any trouble".

Alexander stared blankly at the Luna whereas his wife was fuming. Who did this wolf think she was to raise her voice at royalty? Lucinda did not like her and she doubted she ever will. She was only working with the Luna because she'll get something out of it. Once she got her hands on Cassandra's magic she could rule the werewolves and vampires as well. She could easily dispose of the bitchy Luna.

Duke on the other hand felt like he was going to throw up. His heart was pounding and he felt a sinking feeling at the bottom of his stomach. He didn't like were this conversation was heading.

"How are we supposed to get our hands on Cassandra. She's in Blood Moon Pack and I don't think it would be easy to get past their borders", Alexander spoke up, his brows scrunched in thought.

Lucinda perked up, an evil grin stretching her lips. "I'm sure one of us would be able to get in there". She sent Duke a knowing glance, "right prince?"

Duke looked at her with narrowed eyes. "What are you planning?" His voice came out smooth, not displaying his current emotions.

Lucinda gave him a smile, a devious one. "Do you not want your sister back?" Duke froze. Alexander grinned as well on seeing where his wife was heading with this. Lauren held a satisfied expression. She didn't care how she got what she wanted as long as she got it, even if it meant manipulating a prince using the love he had for his sister.

Duke's eyes narrowed. Anna was probably safe. Witches didn't kill their kind unless a serious offense was committed and Anna is a powerful witch the king and queen wouldn't get rid of her.

"We're using her to unlock the last of the dark curses", Alexander said blankly though he got the exact reaction he hoped for. Duke pounced to his feet, a loud snarl escaping his lips that would have been heard all around the Luna's house if not for the room being sound proof.

"Are you trying to kill her?! Do you have any idea the amount of pain you're putting her through?!" Duke was mad, he was enraged. How dare they? Unlocking the curses was a painful process, a fucking painful process. It could kill her. Duke did his best to remove the thoughts from his mind. She's strong, she'll be safe.

"Don't worry about her, Prince Duke. Annalise is quite strong. She only stays in bed for a maximum of two days, she's handling the pain well", Lucinda gave Duke a teasing smile and something in him snapped.

An unnatural sound passed his lips, his eyes turned a deep red. A different red from a vampire who just had fresh blood. This red screamed danger- murderous danger.

Claws elongated and veins  appeared at the side of his neck. Alexander, Lucinda and Lauren jumped back in fright. They've never seen him like this before.

"If you kill us, you'll start a war between our species. The vampire kingdom would be in danger especially now that Dracula is gone".Lauren spoke up. There was an obvious stutter in her voice. Duke wanted to keep hearing it. He wanted to hear them beg for their lives as he drained their blood but Lauren's words stopped him. He knew there was truth in them.

He wasn't king yet, there wasn't much he could do if a war broke out. Not all vampires would submit to his rule and that could cause chaos of a war was to break out.

Lucinda saw his contemplating expression and decided to use it to her will. "What about Annalise? If a war breaks out she might be on the receiving end".

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