Chapter 157

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Bromance. you're funny.

I even try not to create a bromance image with our members, are you kidding me?

No, come to think of it, did you want something like this when you said you were going to edit the 3rd round waiting room sketch video in a slightly weird way?


I tried not to be serious, but without realizing it, I called out to PD with a serious face.

"Don't you think it's unfair? I'm also a contestant. As a producer, I'm in a position to make the stage. I'm not helping other singers."

"I know. I know. Mr. Lee Chan."

Gi PD, who raised both hands to calm me down, spoke again with a troubled face.

"He's asking you, Lee Chan because he has that level of ability."

Gi PD, who quietly changed his stance after gently floating it, whispered in a low voice.

He tried not to hurt my feelings a little by the way he tilted his mouth.

"And if this season 2 succeeds, I'll like it? Will Chan Lee like it too? No, Chan Lee will be the best? If the program succeeds, Chan Lee will be the star who benefits the most."

ha, look at this

Even if your mouth is crooked, you should speak right.

"The best beneficiary? Isn't it? It's all your stage that we saw the highest ratings at the moment."

Looking at the flow so far, season 2 is definitely more successful than season 1.

If there is something different from season 1, it is that a large number of idols with star qualities participated, and among them, it was me who was the biggest issue.

Even the program promotion was taken care of by the filaments.

"It's too much. PD-nim."

Pick, I laughed and told the truth with a calm face.

"Are you gaslighting me for being a rookie?"

"Ga, ga, gaslighting. No. That's not it."

Gi PD, who was hit on the head, shook his head in fright. If it were me, I'd rather keep my mouth shut, but PD Gee, who rolled his eyes, opened his mouth again.

"You took good care of your image while running the program. In the interview, Mr. Hanul said every word about wanting to produce for Mr. Lee Chan, that he is a fan, everything."

I already know that. Because Seo Han-ul's heart, which I had glimpsed earlier, was literally saying all kinds of things.

"But if you refuse here, the fans will talk about it. I thought it was very heartwarming, but it's not. Like this."

I let out a deep sigh and smiled bitterly, narrowing my brows.

"Does it sound like you're gaslighting...?"

"Oh, no."

I got a little worried here.

Although Gi PD came as the representative, this agenda ultimately belongs to the entire TVH entertainment department.

Everyone gathered under the director and discussed it, so they must be waiting for the report of the results.

What if I say no here? Nothing good. Anyway, the answer is yes. Then you have to get what you want to get.

"If you say yes, I'll trust you."

Producer Ki Yoon-gu and writer Jeong Hae-seong are best friends.

PD Ki Yoon-gu's representative programs include <Survival, Music Genius> and <Good Morning Busker>. Besides that, he does a few small programs related to music.

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