𝑰'𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 | 𝟐

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"She was just wandering around the halls doing who knows what," a voice spoke, bringing me out of my dazed slumber. "I don't like it one bit, how'd she even get inside the school?" answered another,  joining in on the conversation. "Who knows, we'll just have to ask her when she awakens." one replies. Their voices sound familiar..? 

"Yeah well, we don't have all day" 

Shuffling is heard, and I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hey, Wake up." the voice commands. Deciding that now would be the best time to get up, I reluctantly open my eyelids. My eyes Gape open at the familiar face in front of me. 'Aizawa?! What sort of crazy cosplay was this?

Ah, it seems our unexpected guest has awakened." A chair turns around to reveal a chimera of some sort. Nezu.

It all made sense now, the school, the Uniforms, the chase. I was in My Hero Academia.A wave of panic rose from my stomach. I hope they don't think I'm a villain because of the chase. "Umm-" I stutter out in disbelief and bewilderment. "Where am I?"

"You're in my office of course." The creature known as Nezu replied.  I rub the bridge of my nose. So this is truly happening. I'm actually here. "Would you mind telling us your name?" he asked politely. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, I remember. I'm not from Japan, and they use names differently here. 'think, Think' I told myself. Quickly piecing together a name I respond. "Rio Akano". "Wonderful. Now miss, Would you mind telling us how you entered the school?"

 I pause in thought while cultivating my response. "I'm not sure, I just woke up here and tried to escape the crowds of students, and then I bumped into Ai-um him," I say, releasing a small sigh of relief that I didn't use Aizawa's Name. That would completely blow my cover.

"I see... what is your quirk," Nezu asks. I don't know how to respond to this one. I've never seen my quirk if I even have one. Then my mind flashes back to that one moment during the chase.  When those weird beams of light shot out of me, and when I was surrounded too; the light seemed to form around me, as if protecting me. "A quirk is like a power right? I'm not sure..." I answer sheepishly, evading the question."what do you mean you're not sure, you were using it during the chase." Hizashi exclaims. "Yes but I wasn't really in control of that, I've never used it before" I admitted to them. They seemed to express shock or curiosity at my statement, maybe disbelief too. " How old are you?" Aizawa spoke up. "Yeah," added Hizashi. "You seem pretty young, young enough to be in high school at least."

 I paused. I was supposed to be in college, how young did I look? I turned and looked out the window, observing my reflection, I looked surprisingly similar to how I looked at 16 years old. Most people were 15 when they entered U.A... "I'm 15, almost 16" I responded, with faux confidence. "I see...If you don't mind, could you give us a minute, we'll be back shortly." I simply nod, and the group heads out of the room, leaving me alone. All the fangirling I had been holding back, flooded out like a waterfall, though I was careful to make few sounds. I was really in Mha. Talking with the heroes.

Swiftly, Detective Tsukauchi enters the room along with the teachers, I rush to compose myself from my state of awe. "I am Detective Tsukauchi, you must be Rio."

Aaand she's screwed :) to the few people reading this, Just want to give you a big thanks, it means a lot that some people find my story Interesting.

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