𝑵𝒐𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 | 𝟏𝟏

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"Stay back! This is real; Those are villains, "The students all gasp, some in fear and some in shock. My eyes widen, and I get into a sloppy fighting position along with the other students. Villains continued pouring out of the portal, among them, I spotted Shigaraki; whom I stared at in horror, he glanced at me, a menacing smile plastered on his face. Even as he spoke to Kurogiri, I still stared at him. I just couldn't pry my eyes off him, I was frozen in fear.

I was so focused on Shigaraki that I completely forgot about kurogiri.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath?" He taunts us. "I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

"Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds," Bakugo yells, standing alongside Kirishima.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt," he says in a slightly threatening tone. I didn't even know my eyes could open further.

"You two, get out of the way, right now," Thirteen shouts at the two boys.

"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths," the warp villain exclaims as we are surrounded by a thick purple mist, no doubt generated by Kurogiri's quirk.

Crap. What is this," the students shout as we are thrown into the air.

Suddenly, I'm falling from the sky into some sort of industrial area. Everything is going by so fast. The flood zone, The entrance, it's all zooming past me. I quickly activate my quirk to slow my fall, but my trajectory was wrong and instead I tumble down toward a fallen building.

Man, did that hurt. I rub my head groaning as I look around my surroundings, I didn't know there was a section of broken buildings in the USJ, then again we only see the flooded zone in the anime and manga. I stand, dusting myself off. There didn't appear to be anybody else nearby, If other people were dropped into this area, they must have fallen somewhere else. My throat closes up due to nervousness. I was on my own. In unknown terrain. In a place crawling with villains. I dig my hands deep into my arms, taking deep, steady breaths to calm myself. I released my hands from my skin and compose myself once I calmed down. I couldn't afford to look weak in front of villains.

If I were to guess, most of the criminals were near the other students. the villains probably saw us fall, or they could have had kurogiri teleport the students to a specific spot.

I examine my surroundings, looking for a clearing to walk through amongst the buildings and debris. It appeared my only option would be to enter one of the intact buildings, examine my surroundings, and find an escape route from there. Sighing, I pick up a price of fallen debris blocking a doorway to the makeshift building before taking a step. The place was eerie and silent, except for the creaks the floorboards made. I look around before stumbling apron a sign that read, 'Stairs'. I internally groan. The building was tall, and I was not in the mood for climbing a multitude of stairs today. Regardless, I begin my journey, traversing up the stairs at a steady pace. But as I ascend each flight, I become more and more exhausted. By the time I reached the 11th flight, I can barely move. I just sit on one of the steps and lean against the window as the light shines down on me, Panting heavily. This was a horrible Idea.

I take a minute to catch my breath before continuing my horrendous journey up the stairs. As I stand up and turn to take my next step, I hear a creak coming from a few flights down. My breath quickens. Why did the villains have to pick a fight while I was climbing the stairs? I back up, getting off of the steps and standing on the platform for the 10th floor. I stare at the stairs toward where the sounds came from and just faintly, I could hear footsteps. So this was happening. I power up my quirk, the ports engraved on me lighting up from the energy. I stand in a fighting position waiting with bated breath for whatever was creeping up those stairs.

"Why did we have to be the ones to climb up the stairs," a voice complained. They were close by. "I know, but it'll all be worth it once we catch that student, and All might will be gone. Besides, being in an abandoned building with a young girl wouldn't be the worse thing," I can hear the smirk in his sentence. His comrades laugh with him. These people were sick. They say some more words to each other that I can't hear before laughing some more. They were so loud, they weren't professionals. "Hey guys, I found her," one of the villains yells out to their fellow criminals. Frick, he must have gone up ahead to try and find me. "You stay back," I warn him, as the others catch up and stand behind him. They were closer than I thought they were. "Not a chance doll," one of them taunts before, throwing a punch in my direction. I move just in time, his hand hitting the wall causing the villain to scream out in pain. I shoot a beam at one of the villains and burn their arm. They back up and scream in pain. "Look I don't want to hurt you guys, I don't so just leave me alone," I beg. "Like I said before, not a chance. It's time to get freaky," he yells. Suddenly, Eyes form on the walls, big, beady eyes. They all stare at me, blinking simultaneously. Another villain summons daggers from his hands and throws them at me. they all miss except for one that scrapes my arm. I dash up the stairs, relying solely on my adrenaline, Using every ounce of power to example the villains. As I run, I hear one of the villains behind me yell at me, "There's Nowhere You Can Run That My Eyes Won't find You," before cackling menacingly.

HI guys, yes I'm alive. Sorry for not updating for the past few months. I had some stuff going on in my life and it was more important to take care of than writing. Not that writing for you guys isn't important, lol. Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to keep writing. Till' next time.

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