𝑼𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 | 𝟐𝟔

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I'm sitting on one of the benches outside, enjoying the outdoors and its scenery. That's when All might show up in his skinny form. "Young Rio, May I have a word with you?"

"If you're here to interrogate me like everyone else, then that would be a no."I can hear the #1 Hero sigh softly. He takes a seat beside me. "I am not here to question you, Young Rio. Although I may have my suspicions, you are still my pupil; And I care for you just as I do the rest of my students."

I let out a small scoff. "You're sweet All might. But talk is cheap. You can't say all that and then tie me up for a stupid investigation."

"You...are right..." Silence fills the atmosphere once more, but it is not a peaceful kind of quiet. I kick my legs in boredom, watching as the hilt of my sneakers scrape against the concrete path. Why was he still here? If he wasn't going to say anything more then he should just leave. No need to waste anyone's time on such trivial things.

So I decided to start a conversation. The teacher had already disturbed my relaxation to the point of no return; So might as well converse with him.

"If you weren't a hero, what would you be doing right now?" I speak up.He turns to me with a slightly bemused look, then his features settle into a small grin as he ponders on the question.

"Not sure, if I'm being honest. I've never really thought about it." He looks at his hands as he continues to think. "When I was younger, I wanted to become a hero that others could rely on and look to during hard times. Someone who would be there for others and inspire them. I'd like to think that I would be doing something similar to that mission, even if it wasn't being a hero."

"That's a good answer, Doing something to help others... No wonder you make a good symbol of peace." I shoot a small smile at him.

"What would you be doing if you weren't training to become a hero?" All might asks me. I didn't expect to have the question thrown back at me, and now I'd have to answer carefully. I can't mention my world or anything that might seem villainous; The last thing I would need is for All might to become suspicious of me too. So it would have to be something that I could do in this world, something that I'm passionate about..."

"Uh, Young Rio? Are you there?" The hero's voice drains me out of my thoughts like a vacuum cleaner. I scramble to form a response. "Oh, Uh, Yes. Sorry about that, guess I zoned out for a sec."

"Heh, I don't blame you. It's a deep question."

"For sure," I chuckle.

"I don't know, I mean, I didn't even know that heroes existed until recently. But, I guess, I'd go somewhere, leave Japan, and visit the world."

I let out a small laugh and then turned to Allmight. "Not as heroic as your's but, I still think it's a good thing to do."

All might nodded. "I agree, it's good to travel and explore different parts of the world." I flash a smile at him. This conversation was going a lot easier than I expected it to go. It was just normal talking. No interrogations or questioning. I could just talk, even if I had to keep a few things to myself.

We both just sat together on the bench, a tranquil feeling replacing the awkward one from when we first started talking. The calming silence lasted for what felt like minutes.

"How do you do it?" All might suddenly speaks up.

"Do what?" I ask in confusion. I haven't done anything. Oh God, don't tell me he thinks I'm a villain pretending to be nice.

"You're always so cheerful. Even when the odds are stacked against you. And yet You still find a reason to smile. I mean practically everyone is out for you, but you're still going; You know?"

"Well... Persecution is a part of life. It's an issue that happens sometimes. But it's how you react to those issues that matter. There's so many people who have it worse than me, people that are going through harder things than simple suspicion."

I turn to All Might, with a determined look formed upon my face. "It wouldn't be fair. If they can still live and try to thrive every day, then so should I. Even if I feel like giving up, For all those people who are still suffering, I need to continue." I finish with a final breath.

"You're going to make a good hero Young Rio, I can tell already. You have all of the morals and passion of a true one."

"Aww, thanks All Might," I say, flustered at the compliment.

"Although, if I may say, though I do not believe you hold any ill intent, it seems to be that you are keeping something from us. You may have your reasons, but many pro heroes won't offer you any support until you disclose that information. It would be best for you to tell them the truth, At least to EraserHead, most of us just want to help after all."

"Yeah... Got it All Might, Thanks for the tip." I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. I was finally having a normal conversation with someone, but it turns out they were just trying to wean out answers. And why would I tell anything to Aizawa when he and the teachers told the school that I was a villain and hid it from me? By then, I was fuming, but I knew that I had to keep calm in from of the symbol of peace; So I tried to remain tranquil.

I plastered a smile on my face, and thanked All Might for the 'generous talk'. "No Problem, and Young Rio I do suggest you tell someone what you're hiding, for your sake and for the schools'."

Then he got up, and walked away, His scrawny physique heading towards the gates, as he neared the exit of the school, that lean figure of his transformed into the brawnier version of himself. Finally, he had left. I had let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding.

All that talk... was it all just to try and convince me to tell them the truth? I've been here for weeks! Can't the Heroes just trust me; Like, sure, I know that's It's weird that I just pop up out of nowhere, but that doesn't prove anything. If anything they're the ones— "Time to go kid."My thoughts are interrupted by my caretaker, standing in front of me with a cup of coffee in hand.

I swear it's like I can't catch a break from these people. "What was that?" "Crap did I just say that out loud?"

"Yeah, and in a begrudging way too, take a moment to breathe," He says as he sips some of his coffee.

My agitation from earlier was now on a whole other level. I felt like I wanted to strangle the whole world. Have people always been this insensitive? Regardless of how I felt, I tried to display a calmer expression than the one I currently had on; and it seems like Aizawa bought it since he started walking. I got up from the bench and followed him out of the school. I didn't feel like talking to him, so I decided to just leave myself to my thoughts.

I tried not to think about any of today's more irritating events, instead focusing on the smaller things; Like how nice the view was from that bench, or my hero costume. One of the coolest things had to be the fact that I had my first anime speech today, and I must say, it wasn't bad for my first Time.

Then the villain situation popped into my mind. But, instead of feeling angry, I felt a deep, petrifying sense of dread fill my chest. That guy had never been in the story before, which meant that this was something new and that it was all my fault. But, new is unpredictable, and that is my one weakness.

Hey there readers, sorry if I haven't updated I'm a while :/  with school coming up I wanted to prepare out the next few chapters so that It'll take less time to finish them and get them out to you guys. Thank you for your patience.  Love ya'll.

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