𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆 | 𝟑𝟖

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I stand there awkwardly, the youngest Iida shooting me distrustful looks every once in a while. "So," Tensei drags out the word when he notices the tension. "Rio here is a classmate of yours?"

Iida older brothers eyebrows lift up, and his face forms a smirk. I knew exactly what he was Insinuating, but did Tenya?

"Yes, she transferred the second week of class."

Tensei nodded weakly, and I realized that he might've have been a lot more exhausted than he was making it seem—he was crippled after all.

"Oh, Ingenium-I mean Iida! I don't mean to keep you up or disturb you guys. If you need rest than that's more important." 

He shakes his head, but his eyes sag further, and  the distant look in his eye tells  me he's still thinking it over.

"Actually  I might. Not that I don't like to talking to you or Tenya, but I'm barely awake." He exclaims with what seems to be the last of his energy as his back gives way and he collapses onto the pillow.

"Iida, you're responsible, stay out of trouble and don't be afraid to wake...me..."—And with that the young adult finally shifts unconscious, leaving me alone with Iida until his mother arrives.

Once he made sure that his brother was asleep, Iida's eyes fall to me menacingly. "Why?"

"Why save him? You gain nothing, and risked a lot. What's your game plan here?"

Game plan? I shook my head. Kids was reading to far into things. I let out a small chuckle. "My game  plan?" 

I let out a laidback grin. "Make as many friends as possible and be the best hero I can be."

Iida is silent for a moment, but it's as if something clicks inside of his brain and he pries once more.

"Do you expect me to just believe that? Whatever you had done was enough to convince the UA factually that you were a threat—to the extent that they even warned the students. Not just anyone get such a reputation without good reason," he huffs.

"Fine, you cought me," I move my hands in a diagonal motion to emphasize the drama in my statement.

"You want the whole story?" His eyes widened, but he nodded furiously. Much like a 5 year old would when getting told instructions after getting hurt on the playground.

"There's still a lot of things I don't know—things I won't talk about— but everyone keeps pushing this agenda of who I'm supposed to be, that I'm supposed to a villain spy— but they've got it all wrong."

I pull up a chair, analyzing what I would say to this guy. It had to be a reasonable response or else he wouldn't believe any of it, and there had to be some truth to it in case he reported it to a teacher. I swallowed, hard, then open my mouth and began to speak.

"For whatever reason, I had woken up inside UA. I'm not sure how I got there, heck I didn't even know it was UA High that I wound up in until much later. But, after walking around and being discovered by the heroes, they thought I was an intruder—which I guess they had every right to think so in the moment. They chased me and since I'm honestly not that familiar with heroes, I ran—"

"—Wait, hold on. Not familiar with heroes? Practically every kid was infatuated with them at least once in their life." He presses, lifting a brow.

I nods slowly, there was no way I could say something without avoid the topic or lying completely. "My family was just never big on it, the only time I ever saw it was when I snuck downstairs late at night to them watching the news about heroes. Other than that, they were nonexistent."

I shrugged, sinking into the lie. He would definitely still be suspicious, but it would get him off my case.

"Anyways, I ran from them, they caught me. After Principal Nezu questioning me, he deemed me safe, but the problem was he couldn't find my name in any public records. So really, there was no other place for me to go other than UA."

"Hmm...I suppose if all adds up...but if this is the case then why did they warn us about you. About the treachery you potentially could cause?"

I paused, knowing that I hadn't prepared a viable answer to this question. I would just have to wing it.

To sell the act, I bit my lip. "When they were questioning me, they brought in a detective, whom I later learned had a quirk that can tell when someone is lying."

"So you're admitting that you lied." He practically shrieks when the word 'lie' came out, Iida really was a pretty rich boy.

Sheepishly I nod to make it seem like I was regretful about something. "The detective asked me questions—questions about...my family— and I couldn't answer those truthfully, so I lied."

Iida did a quick pace in a circle. "What did he ask?"

"It's none of your buisness." I snapped.

Iida eyes narrowed as he faced me. "Actually, it's entirely my business! You can't possibly be confortable enough to  share all of that but not this!"

"It's my life! Why do you care so much."

"How do I know I can trust you. Trust anything you say, you're unpredictable and a possible threat to our class. It's my responsibility as Class rep to keep everyone safe. But that also includes you, if there was ever something going on, you could tell me."

I laughed, it was sick, twisted and menacing cackle. I turned to him, tucking a stray hair out from my face. "Could I tell you though? You just want to gather Information from me, you think you can analyze me and try to figure me out. But it doesn't matter, my family is my buisness you got that?! What happened in my life stays in my life, and I'd prefer to keep it that way."

I turned away from him, partly pretending that I was upset, but another part of me was truly feeling the emotion.

After a few moments you could hear the blue haired boy sigh. "You are right. You have the right to privacy in your life, and I overstepped your boundaries. I apologize for that." He bowed somberly.

"It's fine Iida, what in the past stays in the past—both within regard to you and my family." I chucked shyly  to even out the tension that I was undeniably feeling at the moment.

"I truly do apologize, and—!"

The doors to Tenséis room swing open to reveal the doctor and a nurse. "Seriously Miss. you are in no condition to be sneaking off. Especially not to boyfriends."

"Uhm, actually he's not my boyf—,"

"It doesn't matter, let's just get you back in bed before you injure yourself." He grabs me by the shoulder and walks me out, and I turn my head to wave a good by to Iida.

The nurse followed swiftly as I was no doubt ushered back to my room. Geez we're hospital people annoying...

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