'𝑰'𝒎 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒆' | 𝟏𝟓

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"You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others, Well, you know what, All Might? That pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgment as to what's "good" and what's "evil." Do you think you're the Symbol of Peace? Ha. You're just another government‐sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."

It was silent for a moment. Then the sound of laughing could be heard, Rio appearing from behind the bush she had been hiding behind. The sudden noise, caused eyes to turn onto the worn-out girl that looked like she should be in the hospital.

"That's the most Massive amount of BS I've ever heard," I gasped between laughs, wiping at the tears that had gathered in the corners of my eyes from laughing so hard. "Someone who cares about fixing the world and showing society the issues of violence wouldn't attack children indiscriminately. The only thing you care about is having your sick, twisted baloney you consider 'fun'." I smiled sickeningly. Shigaraki just growled softly, staring at me.

"These dudes may act tough, but we can take them out with All Might's help," Kirishima said, activating his quirk in his arms. "Let's do this."

"Don't attack," All Might interrupted. "Get out of here."

"You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for us, remember?" Todoroki frowned joining the conversation. "You need our help." "I thank you for your assistance," All Might said, "but this is different." He clenched his fist in determination. "It's gonna be alright. Just sit back and watch a pro at work!"

"But you're hurt!" I exclaim, heading towards the group that had formed. Midoryia's brows were furrowed in concern. "Yeah, You're bleeding, and you're almost out of ti--" he winced and stopped himself, glancing around nervously.

All Might only raised his thumb in response, silencing us and our doubts. That one simple gesture reassured us that no matter what happened, he would Win. He was AlMight After All.

"Nomu, Kurogiri, kill him. I'll deal with the children," Shigaraki growled, lowering his chin slightly in determination. Let's clear this level and go home." Shigaraki raced towards our group, and I gritted my teeth together, unsure if I could even do anything. Hell, I was barely keeping myself upright. But I have to do something. I had to prove myself.

"Heads up, we're fighting after all," I announce, hiding my pain beneath a playful smirk.

Almight launched himself at the Nomu, causing everyone to stare at the collision in shock. Shigaraki was blown back by the force of the punch. It was clear as day that he was becoming more annoyed by the second. "Weren't you Listening?" He Snapped. "One of his powers is Shock Absorption."

"What about it," Almighty grunted, throwing punch after punch at the massive creature before they collided fists. It was the ultimate smack fight. Both fighters getting hits on each other; there was so much of a scuffle that the ground beneath them formed a dust cloud that loomed over the area. A massive gust of Wind was thrown out, Heading right towards guess who.


I gasped as the wind rushed at me, accepting my fate. Right as I was About to be blown away, a pair of arms, wrapped around my waist and pulled me from danger. I look up to see Kirishima. I nodded in thanks, he flushes and nodded in response before we turn back to the battle.

Together we watched as they threw lighting-Fast punches at each other. To end it all, Almight yelled out his classic, "PLUS ULTRA," throwing one last, monstrous punch that punted the creature so High, that I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if he flew to space.

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