𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | 𝟕

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1st POV

My morning classes pass by quickly, and soon it was time for lunch. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to get there. So I followed my classmates to the lunch room. And ordered some food. Even before I was brought here, I was a sucker for Japanese food. Which is a good thing, considering it's the only reason why I know how to use chopsticks. I know lunch rush makes the best food, and I couldn't wait to try it. I looked for an empty table or at least one with some space. I didn't want to Intrude on the characters making friends. They were going to need them.

Suddenly someone shouts at me "Rio san! Wait up." I turn around to see Mina along with Kirishima and Denki. "hey" I say to them. "Come sit with us at lunch" Mina begs. I nod, following them to a table that Bakugo saved for them. I sit down with them. They're joking, laughing, it was reassuring. Maybe I could make friends in U.A after all. "So Rio san," Mina starts "Why are you joining the class so late?" "It's a long story. Let's just say I transferred last minute." I responded. "Cool," Denki says to me and I smile. "So what's your quirk?" Mina asks. Bakugo listened in. "I don't know much about my quirk. All I know is that it's a light-based ability." "Ehh? Why don't you know about it?" Questioned Kaminari. I was getting nervous. It was natural that they were curious and had questions, but things were getting personal. This felt more like an interrogation than a friendly chat, "I'm uh- not allowed to say" I quickly respond. Denki looks at me strangely. I knew I should have learned more about my quirk beforehand. "It's not a big deal though, I just never really used it that much" I brushed off his question. Bakugo seemed deep in thought for some reason. "Why did you guys want to come to U.A," I ask them. They seem a bit wary, but they do end up telling me.

How come they think they can ask me personal questions and I should be okay with it, but when I ask one normal question, they all freak out? These people make no sense I swear. We don't ask any more questions after that. We get back to normal high school topics. Like their mini- Interrogation never happened. I didn't mind though. I wasn't looking forward to being asked questions I couldn't answer.

Classes were going to start again soon and that meant lunch was ending. Putting away my plates and following 'The bakusquad' out of the lunchroom. Every once in a while one of them will shoot me a glance, mostly bakugo. I didn't need bakugo on my bad side. He was already hard to deal with without him even knowing me. "Hey bakugo" I call to him. "You never answered why you wanted to become a hero," I tell him. He just turns and keeps walking. I sigh. The day was just not going as planned. recalling our walk to the lunch room I try retracing my steps to find the classroom. I can't get lost again. I mentally groan. I look around, trying to remember where to go. "if you need help getting to class, you could have just asked," shoji said, appearing from out of the lunch room. "I didn't want to annoy anybody," I tell him. following him to class. "Thanks by the way"I add. A faint smile can be seen through his mask. We end up debating over which country besides japan has the best food. We arrive at the classroom and we both part ways. Still, I can feel his gaze hammering into my head. What is with everybody and staring? Classes go on as usual, and I tune out of most of them. Classes soon ended, and I was allowed to leave. Well sort of. I couldn't leave an area without permission or accompaniment from a teacher. So I was forced to wait outside for Aizawa. I stand near a bench outside the school. Waiting for him. Bakugo leaves the building, doing something on his phone. He doesn't seem to notice me yet, but I didn't mind. Wouldn't want to make me a target for him. He looked up at his phone and stared straight at me. "What are you doing here," he asked. "Waiting for somebody" I reply. "Well why are you just standing there doing nothing, you look like the streetlamp." I was stiff. "Heck you might as well be the street light, with your dumb quirk and all" he retorted. I knew more than enough about bakugo to know that bakugo would give up eventually. If he didn't get pissed, that is. Sadly, the exact opposite happened. "Hey don't ignore me" He yelled, small explosions being released from his arms. "Why not"I respond nonchalantly. Before he can fish out an insult. Aizawa walks out and takes me with him and we begin our short walk home. "See ya Bakugo" I called back at him. "U.A has something to give you." My caretaker spoke in his monotone voice. He handed me a phone. "Gee, Thanks Aizawa" he holds back a smile. He wasn't used to such compliments and affection. "I was thinking," I started, "Now that I'm in the hero course, I should probably work on my quirk. My classmates have used their quirks their whole lives, I don't even know how to activate them." He nods in agreement. "I could help you train if you want." He offers. "Really," I ask in amazement, You'd do that for me?" "You'll start when we get home" he commanded. I nodded.


Aizawa's training was pretty tough, especially so since I wasn't very active. From exercise to basic strength to quirk training, it was a challenge. I had taken a fighting class for a year back when I was younger, so that helped with learning Japanese techniques. Aizawa seemed to think I was doing okay.

The hardest part of the training was my quirk. I Couldn't activate it, I couldn't even feel it. It was just as if it wasn't there. The power that I had used when I appeared at U.A seemingly vanished. I tried hard, hoping to at least feel it, but it never came. I sighed in defeat. There was no way I'd get the hang of this. "I can't do it," I Told him begrudgingly. "I can't."

Aizawa's POV

I watched as Rio struggled to activate her quirk. Her strength and fighting technique were good, almost as if she had already done them before. I don't understand why she couldn't use her quirk. It was as if something was holding her back. Rio eventually gave up, saying she couldn't do it. I sighed. This was going to take more work than I thought. "Okay, let's take it down a notch, if you can't feel your quirk, then that's the first thing we should work on," she nodded. I told her to close her eyes, to search for her quirk. I knew it was there, the quirk just didn't want to show itself. "Deep breaths" I guided her. "I- I think I feel it." She whispered to me. "Good, release it, let it out" she nodded and sucked in a breath. Release it. Suddenly her quirk exploded out of her palms in one strong blast. She looked bewildered, her eyes twinkling as she looked at me. "I knew you could do it," I told her.

"But I never could have done it without you."   

Aizawa is slowly coming to terms with his role as Dadzawa, not to say he isn't still suspicious of Rio, but we're getting there. I'm hoping to post another chapter today if  i find time, so be on the lookout for that :D.                                                                                                           Thanks for reading 

~Rio~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ