𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆... | 𝟑𝟔

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"RIO—I swear to god where is that girl." Power Loader grumbles as he searches for the girl he was supposed to watch over.

Vlad King just scoffs, then snarls as he speaks. "I told you we couldn't trust her, and stop shouting her name, you're just letting her know we're here." 

They walk across a street, hoping to find her before it the sun started setting. "God, Nezu's gonna kill us if he finds out that we lost her." 

Vlad King stops and turns to his co-worker, an annoyed expression convey on his face. "That's what you're worried about? I'm focused on what information she's stolen and is planning to give away. We need to catch her before she spills all of UA's Classified Secrets."

Vlad King huffs as they walk, about to say more when Power Loader pauses in his tracks. "What are you—,"

"Wait," Power Loader shushes, attempting to stop his co-worker from saying anything else as he cranes his neck to try and make out the noise he had heard.

"Huh? What is it now?"

"Be quiet god-dammit! I hear something..." The two listen and Majimma can vaguely make out fighting. South of them the sounds of grunting and weapons dangling echo through the buildings and streets.

"Is there a fight happening?"

"Hmm, not sure. But we should go check it out, maybe Rio's causing trouble." The two try to triangúlate where the sound is coming from. 

They both wander the streets, their guard up at all times as the search for the culprit. "Hold on, we're in Hosu....Do you think it was the hero killer who was causing suck a racket?"

Power Loader pauses before answering, "It's entirely possible... You think maybe Rio had a run in with him?"

"Maybe she works for him!" Vlad King exclaims, a devilish smirk on his face. He picks up the pace and practically cackles as he Anticipates finding the stubborn girl and finally sending her to jail. For good this time.


Vlad King whips his head around when he hears someone crying out. "This way," He gestures in the direction of the sound.

They rush, finally arriving in what seems to be the back of a mall. Beneath the buildings lies a distinct alleyway, where Vlad heard the shouting.

The two begin to creep towards the scene, when the hero Killer is spotted climbing on the rooftop. They hurriedly duck out of sight, and decide to go around the other way to avoid being spotted.

Power Loader halts to a stop when they can hear a small voice, one presumably of a high school girls, muffledly declaring something to the hero killer.

"Was that Rio, you think?" The excavation hero pondered aloud.

"It has to be!"

The two rushed through the parking lot and to the back of the shops. Vlad's eyes widened as he heard a shrill, pain-filled scream come from Rio.

He turned his head into the alleyway to see none other than the infamous hero killer shoving a blade deep into his students abdomen.

Power Loader ran ahead and shoved Stain off of the girl, hurling himself at the disgusting filth that was the Anti-Hero.

Rio dazily watches as a blur of yellow lunges at the hero killer. "We won't be able to hold him off, Maijima." Vlad murmurs to his co-worker.

"I know, I'll keep him busy, you get them out of here." Power Loader says, knocking one of Stains blades out of his hand.

The haze that seems to be Vlad pushes against Stains sword, and not a second later Vlad grabs Ingenium and rushes out from the Scene.

"NO." Stain exclaims. "You fakes ruin everything!"

He pushes Power Loader out of the way and rushes at Vlad, but he uses his quirk to form a barrier.

The fight ensues, Vlad King presumably taking Ingenium somewhere safe and Power Loader bravely defending against the Hero Killer.

Just as Stain is about to land a hit on Power Loader, Rio use the last of her strength to push out her leg and make the Anti-Hero trip. Stain growls at her, but is forced to continue the fight as Power Loader lands a firm kick at his side.

Finally, Vlad returns, lifting the barrier he had made and joining in on the fight. "You really think both of you can beat me," The Hero Killer taunts.

Vlad throws an uppercut at his opposers jaw—and it almost lands—but Stain rolls out of the way at the last second. 

Power Loader uses his quirk to try and capture Stain, but ends up being pushed to the ground by him. Lucking Vlad King steps in a knocks The anti-hero out of the way before he can cut anyone.

Eventually, the pair decides to rush the hero Killer to get her. They launch themselves at him and send him tumbling to the ground. 

Instead of continuing the fight, they make a swift getaway, throwing Rio on Vlads back and retreating from the Scene.

Their main goal wasn't to defeat the hero killer, it was to get Rio to the hospital before her injuries became unmanageable 

As they tumble through the streets, Vlad King talks to Rio distinctly in a hushed voice. "All of this, this whole 'Museum thing' was just to try and save someone wasn't it...Why?"

As expected, she doesn't answer, the girl fading in and out of consciousness. He continues for the point of it, unaware that vaguely in the depths of her mind, she could hear him mumbling to her.

"Hmm... I guess there's more to you than meets the eye."

Two chapters in one Day! Since, schools starting up again i thought it would be good to get this part of the story over with before I forget to update...heh. But anyways, hope you guys had a good break, and if you're reading this at a later date, just a good day in general!

Love you all!

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