𝑬𝒙𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆? | 𝟑𝟑

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After cheering with the rest of the girls and giving Mineta and Kami a smack down, The final round is finally announced. As they go through the rules, Ojirro speaks up, saying he wants to withdrawal from the tournament.

 "I understand that the festival is a rare opportunity, and that walking away is probably foolish, but everyone else gave it their all while I was just a pawn in Someone's game." He lights his head  high. 

Toru tries to persuade him otherwise, "But Ojjiro, you made it this far, you can't just quit now!"

"To preserve my dignity, I must. I'm sorry Toru, but I forfeit."

"Oh how Honorable, very well then. If you're sure that's what you want. Moving on—,"

"I forfeit too!" I blurt out. Ms. Midnight raises a brow, "Rio, you're doing very well in the festival, and you haven't been under any manipulation during the events, are you positive?"

I take a deep breath. "I know it's a big opportunity, and I'm truly grateful I got to be apart of it, but I have somewhere to be. I quit."

The suspicion never leaves Midnights face, but she goes Along with it. "...Alright Rio, Ojjiro. You guys may go."

She shoos us away as she finishes explaining the instructions. I walk with Ojjiro out of the stadium in silence. Once we enter the building, her turns to me. "Why?"


"Why did you quit. You were on track to make 1st or 2nd place, why quit when you had no reason to?" His expression remains vague through his curious statement.

"I know it seems like I'm inconsiderate or ungrateful for the opportunity, but i really am glad I could participate. As for my reasoning, like I said before, I have somewhere to be."

I offer him not another word, and walk out the room. Once I know he isn't following me, I put my stealth hat on. 

The plan was to sneak out of school grounds and successfully make it to Hosu in time to catch stain before he can paralyze Tensei. 

Albeit, that was easier said than done... But I have to do this, regardless of how much trouble I'd be in if I'm caught. 

I walk through the halls, to the naked eye it would look as if I were wandering, but I'd memorized the way to the exit. 

I turn the corner to find one of the pro heroes attending the festival walking with another person. I duck back around the corner, hoping that I was too quick for them to notice me.

The pair just keeps walking, and I crawl back out from behind the wall and practically dash through the hallway. A few more turns and I'd be at the exit...I was home free!


I stumble across a small figure, and I try to skid to a stop, only to crash into the other individual beside them. 

"Why Hello there Miss Rio, we were just about to go and look for you." 

Nezu, and Hound Dog. Just my luck.

I try to play it off like I wasn't about to escape. "Oh hey Mr. Nezu, Hound Dog." I sheepishly wave at them, taking a quick glance at the Dog hero, who was looking at me with suspicion. 

"What were you in such a hurry to get to? You seem quite out of breathe." The mouse comments, and I sweatdrop at his tone of voice.

"Uh,Just looking for the bathroom, one of the people I crossed paths with said it was over here; and Uh—I really had to go." I make up an excuse on the fly, hoping they didn't catch the nervousness in my voice. 

"Actually, the restroom on the other side of the building. I would be happy to take you there before you come with us back to the office."

I nod, then circle back on his words. "Wait, the office? What are we going there for?"

"Well, we can't have you wandering around the building by yourself; all bored and lonely you know. What kind of guardians would we be if we did that? So we've gathered someone to fill in as your chaperone until the games end."

I take a step back and force a smile, "Oh you shouldn't have."

"Now then, let's get you to that restroom."

"Great," I try to hid the sarcasm dripping out of my voice, but I could tell The pair noticed it. I needed to find out how to escape them, or else Engenium would be doomed.

~Rio~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن