𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 | 𝟔

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It would be my first day at U.A, I Was practically overrun with excitement. Getting cleaned up with the supplies we bought yesterday, I went towards my new Uniform. It even smelled new, I giggled. Putting it on carefully, I walked out of my room towards Aizawa. "You're up on time" he mused. He handed me a plate of egg rolls. I gladly took a bite from one. Aizawa's cooking wasn't half bad. Checking the clock, I saw that we had a few more minutes before we left and quickly finished the food. Putting on my shoes, I walked towards the door behind the pro hero. We both left the house. We didn't talk much. He was just drinking his coffee and I was humming a song, thinking about what it would be like to meet Class 1-A. I hoped they like me.

3rd POV

The pair were walking together to the school, it wasn't a long walk, about 5 minutes or so at a good pace. Rio was humming to a song she knew, and Aizawa was sipping his drink. But Aizawa had some stuff on his mind. He sent a glance toward the cheerful girl. She had to keep an eye out. She would be in his class, the hero course. It was to ensure that he would be watched, but it also came with its risks. Aizawa didn't want to endanger his students by putting a villain in their class. But as Aizawa looked at the carefree girl it made him wonder. If they were a villain, they were good at acting.

They reached the doors of U.A and they entered inside together, but Aizawa had to drop off some papers at the teacher's offices, and students/potential villains were not allowed in there with all the classified information it withheld. He told the girl this and gave her directions to the classroom. Nezu would be watching her from the cameras anyway. He left her out in the hall as he walked away.

1st POV

Aizawa had given me directions to class 1-A, but they were so vague and told so quickly I can't remember everything he said. I shrugged it off and started where he instructed me to go first. But I quickly got lost in the long Hallways. Why'd they have to make U.A so big, I internally complained. "Hey there, you seem lost," said a blue-eyed Blonde. Mirio. "I sure am," I replied. I wasn't going to let this setback ruin my first day. "where are you headed," he asked. "I'm going to 1-A," I told him. "Ooh, so you're a first-year" He concluded. "Yep," I said, Popping the P.

He smiled. "Well, let's get going. Can't have you getting late now can we" I nodded. We walked together as he guided me to my class. We shared a few questions here and there. He was a fun guy to talk to. Finally, he stopped at the begging of a hallway. "your class is the one a few doors down. Look for the Labels and you can't miss it." He said. "Thanks for your help, I probably would still be wandering around the Halls if it hadn't been for you," I joked, flashing a smile at him. "It was no problem, oh jeez, I just realized. I never got your name. I'm Mirio Togata" he smiled at me. "Rio Akano," I answered, smiling back. "It was nice to meet you Mirio" I waved to him, and he waved back before walking away.

I searched for my classroom looking through the signs until I spotted One with '1-A' Written on it. I took a deep breath. I was going to meet my class. I was overrun with a mix of excitement, nervousness, and doubt, But mostly excitement. I stepped through the open doors and took my first steps into the class.

3rd POV

Most of the students were inside the class already. They were goofing around, talking amongst themselves, and walking around the class. This was what they were like before class started after all. When the girl walked in, not everyone noticed her at first. But she was soon known when Iida sent a hello to the new student. Everyone had turned to look at the girl. She seemed nice, but they recalled the meeting Aizawa had with them a few days ago.


"Class, In a few days a new student will be joining us." Aizawa started but was interrupted by shouts from the students.

"A new student,"


"This late in the year?"

"I hope it's a girl"

The student was all excited to have another classmate. Their teacher, on the other hand, was not excited to be Interrupted. Much less by shouting. "QUIET," Aizawa gave one of his death glares to the class. His eyes were red and his face was in a threatening manner. Everyone immediately went quiet. "Good, now where was I? We are having a new student coming in a few days" He Informed them. "But her situation is a bit strange." He told them about her break-in at lunch, and about how she could be a potential villain. "Regardless of whether she is or not, you don't have to worry. She's under surveillance and is being tracked at all times. Your job is to be nice and get to know her; And if Anything seems suspicious, report it. Understood." The class nodded.


"Hi," she responded to Iida's welcome. "It's nice to meet you"

"It nice to meet you as well" Iida bowed "I am Iida tenya" he Informed the girl. "I'm Rio Akano," she told everyone, smiling. Before the class could ask her any questions, the bell rang, and Aizawa walked into the room. All the students rushed to their seats. Except for Rio. She didn't know where her seat was and didn't want to be impolite by taking one if she wasn't sure. So she stood to the side, watching as Aizawa stood at his desk podium. "Class, as you are aware we have a new student today. This is Rio Akano. Rio you can go sit next to Sero" Sero raised his hand and Rio walked and sat behind him. The surrounding classmates were Tokoyami, Jiro, Kirishima, and Mineta. She waved to her seatmates, some waving back.

Rio quickly realized she didn't need to pay attention to most of her classes. She was already in college and had learned most of this stuff already. She tuned out most of the lessons and instead focused on what would happen in heroics today. Whatever it was, she knew it would involve her quirk, but she didn't know how to activate it. That aroused a problem. She didn't stand a chance in a fight against her classmates. Her only advantage is the fact that she knows and has observed them. Until she could get herself under control, that was the only thing she could rely on.

    Hey, getting closer to the main action. She's finally been to U.A and met her classmates. I want to arrange some sort of Interaction between her and another character soon, but I'm not really sure. I'll just pick whatever's convenient at the time. But if you have any Suggestions I'm gladly open to them. 

'Till next time guys^^

Word count: 1208

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