𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | 𝟒𝟎

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Later, the Doctor—along with Aizawa, came by into the room. "Well Rio," The Doc Starts, "You're free to go in a few hours once we run a few tests to make sure everything is in order. Then, you may be released and go back to your caretaker."

I nod, just wanting to get this over with. "I'll leave you two be for a bit, then my nurse will come by to check on you later, alright?"

"Sounds good!" I say In my most enthusiastic voice. 

Once he leaves, my friendly, warm expression shifts into a frown. If I was going to make this apology work in my favor, I'd really have to sell it.

My gaze falls on Aizawa, and I turn away from him snootily. I can hear his tongue click in annoyance, but he doesn't say anything. 

"Why are you here?" I finally ask.

He sighs, and I turn around to look at him. He looked more tired than usual. But, then again, he was Aizawa, so he was always tired.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and put a hand on my shoulder. I was about to brush him off, but thought it best to leave him be.

"Look Rio, I understand that you're angry. You have every right to be. But," He takes a deep breathe. "We can't keep going on like this."

With a sigh, I respond, "You're right Aizawa, we can't."

My heart races as I contemplate what to do next. Was Befriending Aizawa again even a good move for me? Was it a good move for him? I wouldn't want to put him in jeopardy any more than I have already.

Although, Distancing myself from him didn't really seem to protect him. He would stand up for me no matter how many times I turned away from him.

I shake my head to clear it, now decided. I will forgive Aizawa. It's not about him anymore, I need protection and he can give it; better to accept his care while it still here before it withers.

Plus, he's not my only defender now. He won't be singled out by his faculty for trusting me because others are starting to as well...

"I want to forgive you Aizawa, I really do. But, how do I know you trust me enough for me to trust you?" I ask solemnly. The question seemed to strike him like a hammer hitting a nail.

He says nothing, and I look into his eyes with hope. "It's a valid question, but the problem is i truly don't know how to prove it to you." He sits beside me on the hospital bed.

"But I do want you to know, I trust you. And I hope one day you'll trust me again."

I nodd at him, and he grabs my hands. "Listen Rio, I will NEVER stop defending you okay? You-You're like a daughter to me, got that?"

I look up at him. "Dammit, you got that?" He says again,  his voice raising. "I do, thanks Aizawa." I say quietly and finally envelope him in a hug. Instead of squirming uncomfortably like he normally would have, he accepts it immediatly.

"Alright, I've got to head out, I'll pick you up in a few hours alright?"


He leaves, and moments later the doctors enters, along with a nurse. "Hello there Miss, you aren't by chance afraid of needles?" The women asks, and I shake my head. 

She draws some blood, and After that injects something in my left arm. I wince, but eventually the uncomfortable feeling subsides. The doctor checks my stomach wound, then my spine and limbs.

"Alright, everything seems to be healing properly. Hanako here is just going to inject some painkillers into you, because we guarantee that stuff might start to hurt ones you start moving."

With that, the doctor leaves. And the nurse opens the drawer and pulls out what I presume to be painkillers. Then she fills a second needle, I ask her what the second one is but she just shakes her head. "I know I'm a nurse, but even I can't pronounce the names for half of these things, it's going to calm your nerve and pain receptors, so if you feel a little drowsy and calm later its probably because of this."

She rips out the IV from my left arm, and Injects both of the needles. Two seconds in, I'm hit with a wave of tiredness. My vision becomes hazy and I peer at the Nurse in the corner of the room.        

She smirks and suddenly high kicks me, knocking me onto the bed. "Aww, look at the little hero, why suddenly so weak?"

She chuckles menacingly before trying to throw a punch. I catch it, but she pushes and swings my hand to the side and punches my chest.

 The hell is happening right now? I get up, but find myself swaying as I try not to let my eyes shut. "Tired, hero?"

She throws another punch, but this time I dodge, swiping her with my legs. She tumbles, but stays balanced. Then she launches herself at me again, I crouch down at the last second and headbutt her right in the stomach. She flies over me and doubles over. 

That's when I notice that the second needle was still in my arm, I take it out. There was still some juice left. I slam it straight into her arm. She gets up, tumbles and gasps out, "What have you done." 

She Donn's a delirious expression just before passing out in the corner, I sit on the bed, rocking unintentionally back in forth as I try my best to stay conscious. That's when I hear the faint click of the door.

I turn towards the entrance, but find no one there. Did I imagine it? No...I can't be that  crazy.

I suddenly stand up, my vision hazy as I listen for the slightest sounds. But still, the only thing I hear is the faint buzzing of the machines. 

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