𝑺𝒖𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒔 | 𝟐𝟎

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Nothing. That's what I felt. That and hatred, and confusion and; Guilt.

Which was something I definitely should not be feeling. None of this was my fault. It wasn't my fault that I was brought to this world. But yet still, I felt like I should've done things differently, done things better.

I was upset at Class-1A. They ignored me and talked about me behind my back, and those that 'Cared' only wanted to get info out of me. They wanted Evidence. They weren't my friends, none of them. My only friend here was--Shinsou. He didn't know about my circumstances, yet he still talked with me. He might be the only person that actually cares.

Aizawa walked in with a sigh, staring at me with concern.

No, it was Pity.

"What do you want," I asked him bitterly.

"You haven't been eating." He stated matter of factly. Scoffing, I turned away from him.

"You've got to eat something, y'know," It was then that I noticed the bowl he held in his hands. He squatted next to me, putting the bowl down on wooden floor. Then he got up to leave, walking from my spot on the carpet and closing the door with a click.

'You've got to eat something' he was right, and that fact that he was irrated me. I grabbed the bowl, meticulously picking its contents in hopes of stirring my appetite, but I just couldn't get myself in the mood for it.

Sighing, I put the food to the side. Aizawa would probably come to pick it up later. Hopefully he didn't get too offended. His food is really good.

I plopped onto my bed, thanking myself for cleaning up the monstrosity my room had become after Nezu left; I don't sulk well in a trashed room. I stared at the wall, thinking to myself.

School didn't start for a few days, but Aizawa would be going back to work Tomorrow. If he made me go with him I'd lose it. Why would I want to stay with people who all hated me? I'd much rather just stay here...

Then Suddenly..


Picking up my phone from my desk, I see that Shinsou had messaged me.

Shinsou: Hey, you there?

Me: Yep, I'm here.

Me: Wsp

Shinsou: Nothing Much, Wbu?

Me: Same here

Shinsou: School doesn't start until Monday right?

Me: Yep

Shinsou: We should

Shinsou: hang out sometime

Me: We definitely should

Me: You know where I live man, come over anytime

Shinsou: Anytime huh? What if I show up now?

Me: You do you

Shinsou: Bet, walking there

Me: Wait actually?

Shinsou: Yep. Unless you've got something going on.

Me: Nope, I just so happen to be completely free

Shinsou: Good

Peering out through the window of my room, I can so ever fairly see a floating blob of purple, which could only mean one thing. He was actually coming!

I Unruffle my clothes and fix my hair, my phone still in hand.

Me: You remember my apartment number right?

Shinso: I think so. Watch me go to the wrong room, Hell I'll go to the wrong floor.

Me: If you do I'll laugh at you.

Shinso: You. wouldn't. Dare.

Me: Actually, I would.

Then it dawned on me, what if Aizawa said no. I begrudgingly walked out of my room, this was going to be awkward. I had been trying to avoid talking to Aizawa. Not because I hated him, but because I didn't want to make things harder on him than it already was. I'm not sure whether he cared about me or not, but avoiding talking to him was the best thing, for both of us.

Aizawa was leaning on the counter of the kitchen, on his phone as he sipped some coffee. Chai was Bundled up on the Sofa, taking one of his year long naps. Aizawa hadn't noticed my presence yet, and I used that to my advantage. I tried to form the words I would say to him in my head as I stood next to the door of my room. Then the door bell rang.

Crap. I had took too long. Aizawa switched his phone off to go and answer the door. Once he opened it, he was met with a wide Eyed shinso. Shinso didn't know that Aizawa was my caretaker. "I- you, your um." Shinso tried to formulated sentences, but his shock of seeing one of his favorite heroes, standing right in front of him, prevented him. Eventually, he snapped out of his Stupor. "I-I'm sorry, I must've went to the wrong apartment." Shinso Chuckled awkwardly.

"It's fine, Kid." Aizawa spoke tiredly, Sipping his drink once more. That's when I peered out through the doorway. "Shinso?"

"Rio? Wait, do you Live with EraserHead?" He seemed like he had a million questions swirling around that Egghead of his. "Yep, Did I forget to mention that?"

"Uhh, kinda." I shot him a Lazy grin. Then got back to the matters at hand. "Oh, Uhh Aizawa, this is shinso, he's the guy I was talking to after school once."

"I remember." He said gruffly. "Great uh, we were wondering if-"

"Be back by 8, stay in the apartment complex; and no funny buisness." He cut me off, sending Shinso one of his Death Glares.

"Y-Yes Sir." Shinso Gulped. I grabbed my shoes, and once they were on hopped out with Shinso, shutting the door behind me gently.

"I can't beleive your father is EraserHead. How could you not tell me this!?" Shinso excalimed. "He's only like, my Favorite Hero Ever!"

"You never asked; And he's not my father, he's more of a... caretaker." I shrugg walking side by side whith shinso. "Anyways, I'm so glad school is out for a few days. I needed a break from all that learning." I change the subject. " I know, we're barley a few months in but its already exhousting." Shinso pouts with me. I chuckle at him. "I can see that Mr. BedHead."I tease him playfully.

"Hey! It's a fashion choice." He huffs, defending himself. "Oh yes of course. I don't know why I though otherwise." I elbow him playfully. "But actually, I think your hairstyles cool. It kinda reminds me of Aizawa." I tell him.

"You think so?" He eyes me.

I nod in response. "Mhm."

He looks at me with an expression of gratitude on his face, and I toothily grin at him in response.

"Now, where are we going." I Say, more as a statement than a question.

Shinso stopped in his tracks after I said that. I raise a brow at him, and he just turns to me Sheepishly. "Crap. I just realized that I didn't plan this far. Did you have anything in mind that you wanted to do. EraserHead said to stay in the Apartment Complex..." Shinso Admits, Pondering possible things we can do.

Then an Idea comes to mind. "I know where we can go." A determined look sets on my face.

Hello children, yes, I'm calling you children. So I finally fished out this chapter. It was supposed to be longer but I really wanted to publish something so I'm splitting it into two parts.

Thanks for reading, Love y'all^^

~Rio~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang