𝑨 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕?? | 𝟗

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We had already arrived at Aizawa's home. I was practicing my quirk out in the yard, trying out different combinations and forms. A few hours into training the sun started setting. This was it, I had only ever used my quirk when there was light, but when the sun sets, I won't have any idea how my quirk will react. It might not even work. Beams still streaming from my palm, I watch as the light form changes as the sun lowers, the beams matching the color of the setting sky. It stings a little, and I wince from the feeling. My quirks never really hurt me before, guess it's just a drawback.

As night sets in, my quirk adapts, the light changing to a bright shade with taints of blue. It's really pretty, the way it glows in the moonlight. The only problem is, I'm having a bit of trouble controlling it, and soon a large blast is emitted from my palm.

Luckily, nothing was damaged except for one of my hands. Nothing too major, just a light burn on my palm. I wince when I touch it, and decide that this was enough training for today.

Once I stepped into the house, exhaustion washed over me. It isn't late, but certainly not early. Sighing, I change out of my clothes and into pajamas. Walking out and into the living room, I see Aizawa ordering food. Good, I'm starving. I sit on the couch opposite him and pull out the phone Aizawa had given me. I wasn't stupid and knew that the school was probably monitoring it, but still, a phone is a phone. I wanted to test the limits of this world and wanted to see if things that existed in the real world existed here. I typed in some names of games, movies, shows, and some animes. Surprisingly, most of them existed here. This means I will have to make time for a movie night.

The doorbell rang, and Aizawa went to get the door. He closed the door and walked back carrying our food. We ate in silence, and the world seemed quiet, at peace for once. Finally, for just a moment, everything would just relax. That peace didn't last for long though.

Aizawa had gotten a notification on his phone, it seemed urgent. Aizawa's eyes widened as he read the message. He abruptly put the plate down and stood up, grabbing his scarf and goggles. I couldn't help but wonder what happened. Before Aizawa slid out the door, he turned towards me. "There's a villain attack nearby, stay inside and lock the doors, and don't come out. For. Nothing. Got it," I nodded back before he dashed out the door. Sighing, I locked the door of the apartment. That peaceful silence from before turned eerie. Deciding not to sit in silence. I turned on Aizawas TV. Scrolling through channels until... "Breaking news, there's a group of villains going on a rampage throughout the city. Please stay inside and stay safe until the criminals are captured." Informed one of the reporters as a hero leaps over buildings in the background. I keep my eyes trained on the screen, watching as the heroes fight the villains. Eventually, the villains scatter, they go in different directions as they attempt to flee from the heroes.

Suddenly, I sense a presence behind me as the floorboards shift slightly. My eyes widen, but I don't tear them from the screen. With my unburned hand, I slowly turn on my quirk, before abruptly turning to be met with... no one. Strange. But the floorboards creek and I know that someone is there. My heart rate fastens. This is not how I'm going out. I turn again and again, searching for whatever made that sound Until our eyes finally meet.

It was a... cat?

I lower my hand slightly, as the cat warily backs away. It's a small chimera cat, possibly a kitten, with one-half orange and the other a shade of black. It's beautiful, I stare at it in awe.

Slowly lowering my hand and gesturing for it to come forward, I whisper "Hey kitty, I'm not going to hurt you. I tilt my head to the side, trying to seem friendly, It just stares at me, turning its head slightly, copying me. I stifle a laugh. The cat takes a step towards me, its eyes trained on me. I just smile slightly. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you," I mutter loud enough for the cat to hear, my hand still outstretched towards the cat. The cat brings its head to my palm, gently nudging against it, purring. It's so adorable. It nimbly jumps onto the counter, knocking over a box of tea. Ooh, that's it. I decided to name the cat Chai. "Hey, Chai," I utter to the cat, as it jumps back down and brushes against my feet. "You like that name, chai," I coo, the cat purring in agreement. This cat's cuteness is going to be the end of me. There's a lot of background noise, I realize, but shrug it off after the sound dies off after a few seconds.

I clean up the mess of tea bags chai had accidentally made, putting them back in the box and setting them on the counter neatly. I walk back to Chai the cat, kneeling beside him. I outstretch my hand to pet the male cat. All of a sudden, Aizawa bursts through the door, his hair floating and eyes red. Me and Chai both jump up in surprise. "Aizawa?" I call him. He sighs in relief. "Glad to know you're okay," he tries steadying his breathing as rubs his eyes and flops onto the couch. I decide to help him out a little by making him some coffee. He'll have to stay up late tonight for patrols anyways, so he'll need it. I've watched him make it a hundred times, and practically memorized the way he says it to his favorite coffe shop.

 I start preparing his favorite type of coffee, black coffee. He doesn't notice and just stares at his phone. As I do, Chai curiously walks up to Aizawa nudging his hand slightly as Aizawa gives him a small pet on the head. "Where'd you find the cat," he asks, obviously worn out. "Don't know, she just wandered in here somehow." I hum as I continue making his coffee. "Must have snuck in to get away from the chaos outside." We sit in silence for a bit before Aizawa speaks up and says, 

"Hey you can't tell anybody this because it would cause panic, but the group of villains today have been stealing from a facility researching quirks. Apparently, they are part of an organization that wants to take quirks to the next level," I nodd, taking a cup out for the almost ready drink beside me. "They tested newer versions of quirks on animals," Nezu was definitely going to freak out. "When the heroes found out, the villains started a fire in the building. Most of the Animals were dead, but one of the surviores was-," I cut him off, 

"A cat."

 Hey, I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating much, I had some stuff to do and couldn't find time to fit a chapter in. I also spent a lot of time preparing the next few chapters, so hopefully they'll come quicker than this one did^^

Thanks to everyone that reads, also what would you name your pet if you had or have one? 

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