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After 'Using the Restroom', (Which was really just me trying to think up a game plan), I follow Nezu and Hound dog back to the office.

"So...Who is this 'Chaperone' anyway?" I ask, hoping that Nezu would give me information i could use. "I'm not 100% sure, we'll see when we get there." Hound Dog gruffly responds. 

"Ok, but what am I supposed to do? Although I'll have company, I don't want to just sit in a room for the rest of the day." 

"Understandable," Nezu chips in. "You are permitted to leave the premises with your chaperone, as long as you're with them then it should be fine. Of course, you can't go just anywhere. But, I'm sure whoever is watching you will be reasonable."

Whether he meant to or not, Nezu handed out a lot of information. I didn't need to escape, All I had to do was make it to Hosu and then direct them to Stain. 

"Ah, we're here." The Principal gestures to the office a few doors ahead. I sucked in a breath. Just be friendly Rio, play your cards right and you can still make it in time.

Hound dog opens the door to reveal two of the worst people I could have had as my chaperones. Power Loader—who albeit, wasn't that bad of a chaperone. He may not completely trust me, but he didn't discriminate either. 

The main problem was the other guy. 

"Rio, so glad you could join us today." Vlad kings word were sharper than steel, and he glared daggers at me from across the room.

"Oh, Power Loader, Vlad, how nice to see you guys." I force a smile to mask the turmoil and fear I was feeling. "Oh yes, you three have all met before haven't you? Well good, I'll leave you three to it then. Have a good time Rio." Nezu hops on hound dogs back and waves, then exits the room.

Once the door closes, my mind spirals and I back into the corner to put some distance between me and the man.

Vlad flips his head when he sees movement. "You." Power Loader, sensing the raw tension, tried to diffuse the situation."Uhm, Rio, nice to see you again. What would you like to do today?"

"What? Don't give her any options," Vlad sneers, but Power Loader ignores him, gesturing for me to continue.

I exhale, regaining my composer and what little dignity I had left. "Uhm, not really sure. I guess it'd be nice to get some fresh air." 

Vlad King's eyes narrow, and he opens his mouth to say something. "No wa—,"

"Sounds good," Power Loader Interjects, shifting a confused glance at Vlad. 

The blood hero groans, then pulls power Loader to the side. Vaguely, I can hear what they're saying. "Why are you giving her so much leadway, she's a villain! She can't be trusted and must be supervised strictly to make sure she isn't up to anything."

Power Loader whisper-shouts back. "Technically, we have no evidence nor claims against her. the whole villain thing is just suspicion. Let her be, she's just a kid alright?"

Vlad looks like he wants to say more, but keeps his mouth shut. He glances at me, and then renters the small huddle formation. "Fine, but I'm telling you she's a villain, and I'll be keeping a close watch on her today."

They break out of the huddle, and regroup with me. "OK, so any specific place you wanna walk to?" 

I pause for a moment to make it seem like I'm thinking. "...We could check out Hosu, I heard they had a cool art exhibit in one of their museums." Vlad turns to Power Loader in an attempt to get him to refuse, but Power Loader just gives me a thumbs up. 

We walk in silence most of the time, but eventually I try to strike up a conversation. "Soo...How are things doing in the Support Course?" 

Power Loader turns to me, "It's going well. Oh yeah, and your costume was finished a few days ago. Honestly, I'm surprised Mei didn't blow it up." He shrugs.

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