𝑨𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆...? | 𝟏𝟔

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 Once I entered my room, I immediately slammed myself onto the bed. Although I had slept in recovery, I was still as tired as ever. I tried to fall asleep, shutting my eyes in hopes of tricking my brain into resting. But something within me wouldn't Allow me to rest. I guess the nightmare I had at the nurse's office stuck with me. It felt as If the weight of the world— no the Universe was laid on my shoulders. I truly hated that feeling. the feeling that everything was my fault.

So I just lay there, limiting myself to staring at the ceiling blankly. I tried not to overthink, focusing on the textures of the roof, and following the lines of the patterns.

After a while, I decided that I should get up and do something. Heading outside with the intent of training my quirk, I hastily put on my shoes and trot over to the door. Before leaving, I alert Aizawa of my plans. It takes him a bit of convincing, but eventually, he allows me to as long as I stay on the premises. I agree and leave, making sure to close the door behind me. There is a garden that surrounds the outside of the Apartment Aizawa lives in that leads to an expanse of greenwood. The meadow was covered by trees and vines and all sorts of plants. It was the perfect place to work on my abilities. Which clearly needed working on. I couldn't save anyone during the USJ attack, so I'd have to get stronger.

First I practiced my physical attacks, then moved on to my quirk. At this point I was already sweating, so I removed the jacket that I was wearing. After taking off the jacket, I noticed the engravings on my arms and hands. "Huh," I breathed out. Those weren't there before. Before, They were just on my hands, and even then they were barely visible, but now they're everywhere. I Slowly turn my arms over to find the same marking on the other side. My quirk always erupted out of the same spots...

Maybe this was my body adjusting to my quirk. When I activated my power it only proved my theory. So my quirk comes out from these port-like thingies. Interesting... I decided to experiment with this new revelation. Taking off my shoes and socks to work on my footwork, I notice that the engravings are bigger on my feet than everywhere else and don't connect to any other ports. They were probably big because they could be used for more things. That gave me an idea.

Back when I first arrived at Bnha and I was running from the Proes, my quirk activated by itself, and it blasted me into the air before I tripped and fell. I wince at the thought. But maybe, I can fly as I did back then, but control it this time!

With newfound motivation and some extra determination, I put my plan into action. Concentrating my power on just my feet, the laser beams begin to emit from my soles. Instead of propelling me upwards, it instead singes the grass beneath me and my toes. Maybe if I jump... This time I was lifted, but I immediately fell back, landing in one of the bushes in the surrounding area.

Letting out a huff as I drag myself out of the bush. I read myself once again. I need to do this, I need to get better. I jump and activate my quirk, willing myself not to lose balance. I keep rising slowly, higher off the ground. But My success didn't last long. I began to tilt, and no matter how hard I tried to steady myself, I knew I was already screwed. I scrambled around in the air trying to protect my head, the forest floor coming ever closer. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact.

But it never came.

I was being hugged by an encasing fabric, one that I'd recognize anywhere. "You need to watch your trajectory." It was Aizawa who spoke. He released his scarf, allowing me to fall the few inches back to the ground. I stand up and dust myself off. My teacher walks towards me, examining my injuries. I had fallen right through a tree and one of its branches had harshly scratched my arm. 'Better my arm than my head' I thought. The trees armed had bashed me back and forth, so I had a few bruises here and there. But other than that, I was alright. "You should be fine," My teacher deducted. "Now, mind telling me what you were doing?"

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