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"Bye Dina!" I yelled as I walked toward the end of my aunty's corridor, I pressed the elevator button and entered it. Thank God, I was alone in the ride, I hated riding cramped elevators, filled with different people, I pressed the 'G' button indicating my departure from the building.

I shook and marveled a little as a man stopped the elevator's process just at the start of my trip down the chain of the apartments. I blinked as he grunted holding his eyes and taking a deep breath, he was huge compared to me, the fact that I was 5'8 ft tall -though on knee boot- and he was able to cover me up, terrified me.

I tried to calm my nerves, I was thinking too much, my imagination running wild. I had a colourful imagination and I did not want to think of the possible danger the stranger posed.

The man in a dark blue coat covering his whole body and high knees leather boots, his eyes light gray-colored eyes -that moved frantically, analyzing the room in panic. His shaky hands that held the strong golden railing of his side of the elevator as though it was going to save his life, his lips thin, his face held a permanent grimace that made him feel more lethal.

I held the bag tightly, glnacing at the man once more, I shifted forward toward my corner, making sure there was a safe distance between us. The man gave me a chill, slowly I pulled out my pepper spray making sure not to alert the potential predator, I clutched it tightly ready for whatever could happen. I had my taser in my bag but I felt as though I wasn't in the most imminent danger, he looked somewhat harmless and I had never been harmed by a stranger before. One could say I was lucky!

However, men are tricky these days! They would make sure you have lowered your guard before they strike! I had all this protection to make sure I was not the next black woman they are rooting for justice in America! I won't have my blood spilled for the cops to make excuses for the killer and for racist Americans to use my previous sexual history as a justification for what has been done to me.

Plus, I could not get killed this night! I had to much to do and not when I had a date my boyfriend tonight! Oh God! I can not it believe that this is happening! Finally! I know he is going to propose tonight! I just had an intuition! He had made so many signs and signal! I just knew it after everything I have done! After everything we have been through! I can finally going to marry David!

When we first met I fought tooth and nail to divert ladies' attention from David, the center of attraction of my female coworkers, when he first arrived I had swooned over him like everybody else. David was fine! He was just too fine! I cannot begin to describe his beauty! He was handsome, funny, and charming. I was finally getting a chance, a shot at love after Eric! I wouldn't allow that to go to waste.

Even if he was no different from Eric, he lied and cheated and gaslit me but I was able to pull though and he had changed. Forgiving him was one of the hardest part of my life but I did it anyways, and now we are here, he is going to propose.

The sound of my phone jolted me back to reality, I pulled the hand on my purse and rumbled through my things, checking the name brought a smile to my face, "Bianca!" I said, giggly. No one could trucate my excitement, I was just too excited.

"Babes! You soind excited? What up with you?"

"I am gold baby girl! Never being better!" I replied grinning from war to ear. "Stop babes I can feel you grinning from over here!" Bianca replied me making me roll my her eyes.

"So what up why the excitement? You got a raise or something?" Bianca asked.

"Well..." I stalled trying to draw out the excitement. "Just spill..."

"Well! I think David might be proposing!" I grinned from ear to ear announcing. Glancing at the man next to me, making sure my excitement did not allow me loosen my grip on the pepper spray.

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