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I wondered if she was not impressed, Americans were lavish, that one thing I knew. I made sure they got everything she could need down to multiple sets of tampons, Rio was out there and we could not make trips outside of the house without making sure it was important.

She stood there just staring at the entire place. I could not decipher her expression. She glanced at me and I almost frowned, "What's wrong? You do not like the clothes? I made sure the housekeeper bought from the best designers she could get."

"This... This is... This is much Eduardo, all this," she waved her hand around. What was she talking about, "I mean, I knew the whole crime thing fetch you money but a house?! A closet is full of designers?! Those cars? The men you hired?"

I raised my eyebrow amused by what she just said, "Aviva, my finances should not be your worries, I am not going to be poor anytime soon, the doctor is around and has been waiting to check on you, I shall invite him."

I walked out of the door and opened the door for a woman to step into the room. She was rounder and thick, she was short and wore a pretty lab coat, and a pair of glasses that I assumed were recommended. Marco had recommended her, she was part of the Cosa Nostra and was highly regarded.

She bowed, "Good afternoon sir, I am Fatima, and I am going to your doctor today," Aviva walked out of the closet and joined me. I shook Fatima's hand, and she sure had her hand for Aviva to shake too, Aviva followed my action and she shook her hand.

"So shall we begin?"

"Yes, please," I pulled a chair for Aviva and she sat she pulled out the jacket that was. Overing the botched work I did to get arm. Taking a look at the half-assed stitch I did, Fatima started her work while I watched her with ultimate scrutiny. I didn't know what to do I needed to be there while she was working Aviva, an ally to Marco was not my ally and these doctors could be paid by anybody to harm us.

Aviva would occasionally glance at me as Fatima would ask her details about her health and how she was doing, I listened attentively to make sure everything was well and in a matter of an hour, she was done redoing the stitches and getting Aviva's details.

Aviva shook her hand, I was sure she was feeling better than when I did it. The maids cleaned up the blood Aviva lost and I escorted Fatima out of the room. She checked my wounds in my home office and recommended rest for me but I knew that was impossible, I still had responsibility as the head of my organization.

I asked Carlos to exhaust Fatima while Alejandro informed me about the latest development in our business. I had legit business and investments as a cover for my illegal trades, I was smart but I hated replying to somebody for help. I knew buying the house was a stupid idea Marco had reassured me that he had FBI agents on his payroll and they would not touch me his ally but I was in more debt to Marco Manici, something I very much despised.

I was beginning to hate this entire idea, I did not want the FBI on my back at the same time, I wanted to owe anyone as little as possible because in my world that meant a lot.

Trying to work was hectic, I had taken too much time off work. Sitting around in that smelly prison cell with Aviva barely speaking, then we went on a run to practically survive and now I was back, back to my old life with reports of the latest international crime being handed to me.

Benito was doing a lot but I could not slack off, I did not feel like working, to be honest, I was more than bored. I thought all the time I was on the run, just a few days meant a lot, I hated feeling that way, I needed to for us on what I was doing, I had gotten too distracted. Everything was hanging by a thread and I was daydreaming of the last few days.

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