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I was terrified of what Donald was going to do to me but I could not allow anything to happen to Bianca or her family. I considered them my family too, how could I sit and watch while they die? Besides, I knew that Donald was not going to spare me no matter what I did, I was stuck trying to protect Bianca and myself. The only person who could help me had already thrown me out.

As we drove through New York, I was guessing we heading to a private airport, I wondered how my life had gotten so chaotic?! So messy?! I never thought I would get up in this sort of drama?! I knew gangs existed but it was a foreign concept to me.

I had normal childhood and fairly good adulthood until that winter night, last year. When Eduardo hijacked my car. That felt like a long time ago but it was only months. Maybe I needed to reflect on my actions and how I managed situations.

I was so used to having my way with Eduardo that I forgot his dangerous me like that. I wasn't stupid, I knew Eduardo was dangerous too, but then I continually resisted him, opposed him. Now, I was with Donald, my supposed father who I have only had two interactions with and I can say he was a bug jerk.

My thoughts were filled with Eduardo. If I could contact with maybe he could protect Bianca but then again he kicked me out of his house. He insulted me, and my ego was bruised but I could not let it cloud my judgment. Donald did not seem to be playing, he seemed like a man who delivered what he promised was terrifying in itself.

I knew I had to get away from him but I didn't know how yet. One thing j had learnt for the last few months was that the mafia was fast, they had good networking and could find anyone they wanted. I was an ordinary woman.

I had no money to my name and no protection, except from Eduardo who would agree to help me?! Now I was turned away from Eduardo who would help me?! I hated my life! I hated how it was turning out but I was not going to give up! Never! I was going to continue fighting! No matter what!

We soon arrived at the private airport, Donald's men led me into the private jet and sat there quietly. I had a pounding head and feet nausea but I was not going to give in, I tried to keep my head straight as the men sat around me, watching me with fierce eyes. I was not going to run away now, I was not stupid.

Donald's men had so many guns on them, it was wonder how they just moved around without anyone noticing. If I made one wrong move I would be dead. I needed to be careful of my words and actions or I would be the reason why Bianca lost her brother.

I relaxed into the comfortable chair, I could not deny how beautiful the jet was but it didn't mean I wanted to be there, not after how Donald treated me. I tried to stay awake for most of the journey but it was impossible.

I woke up to myself in a bed, in a strange room. It felt so cold that it was almost chilling. I looked around trying to understand my surroundings. I pulled off the cover from my body and started moving around the room.

It had a large bed where I was sleeping, a small wardrobe, a small vanity set and another two doors, each the opposite of the other. I tried to rack my brain to remember where I was but I could not remember much.

I walked toward the small window that was far above my head, I could not see anything because of how far up it was. I turned back to the room and started exploring it. I opened the bathroom and it was very small. It made me remember Rio and his bathroom on his beach house. I closed my eyes remembering what I did to escape him. It worked but it was humiliating.

I walked into the bathroom and looked around, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Watercloset, a c
Shower, a bathroom sync, and that was all. I heard the door open and I walked back out to find Donald and another man. He frowned as soon as he saw me coming out of the bathroom.

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