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"Did you find him?" I asked, taking my seat, "Not yet, but I am working on it."

I nodded, I glanced at the window and found her, she was sitting in the lounge area, on her iPad, properly playing a game or so. It has been weeks since I got her back and I can say that my life has never been better.

Having a child was the best gift she could give me and as such, I did everything in my power to make her comfortable. Clothes, shoes, bags, anything. My life was tedious and I tried as much to make hers easier, after all, she was pregnant.

The morning sickness did not last but her stomach was bigger now, rounder, I watched these last few weeks as she went through a transformation that helped ensure that my child was growing.

She was still distant, I suspect it was as a result of what had happened when I threw her out but I knew I had to work to earn her forgiveness.

"Boss," I heard Miguel say as he entered my office. I reluctantly pulled my gaze from her body and focused it on Miguel, "what is it?" I asked him.

"Don Mancini sent an invitation, he wants you and Miss Aviva at his sixty-fifth birthday."

I scoffed wearing this, what did Marco want? He was not happy with me taking Aviva back but at the same time, this was the third time he was inviting us over to his house. I was not stupid, to take his bait and go there. I declined stating that Aviva's health was not the best at the moment but he seemed persistent.

"Why are you telling me this? Tell him that I do not have time to attend such functions." I said dismissing him.

"I am here because he said he has something we need," Miguel said, and I looked up. "Something we need?"

"Viktor, he managed to catch the sly fox location, he will only give it up if you come." I roll my eyes.

"Does Marco think I a that desperate for Viktor's location?" Miguel shook his head unable to answer. I sighed, "put him on the phone," I said, my gaze going back to Aviva.

"Here," Miguel said after a minute and I accepted the phone, "Marco," I said in greeting.

"Eduardo, you have gotten my message." I wanted to roll my eyes but I hummed. "I will be coming alone," I was not going to put Aviva's life at rai to catch Viktor, he could keep his information.

"No! I will only relay what I have found if she comes with you," he explained, I frowned. "Why do you want her there Marco?" I asked seriously.

"I want her there that is final, it does not matter why I want her there, bring her with you, if you want the location."

The line went off and continued starting at Aviva, if Marco wanted her dead he would have made his move by now but he was threading likely with me. The Russians had become more unpredictable and cruel, it was destroying Marco's power and business, and he still needed me to get rid of them.

I stood and handed Miguel back his phone, I walked out of my office and walked toward the lounge where Aviva was. I nodded at Javier and he got the memo, he walked away and prompted Aviva to look up. She sat up, "Eduardo, what are you doing here?"

I sat next to her and stared at her round stomach, thinking of what to do, will going put her in jeopardy? It could, I was not sure. Why was he so adamant about us coming together?

I decided I was going to inform Aviva and then I would know what to do next.


I was worried about myself, I thought of why I agreed to this in the first place, I wanted Eduardo to succeed in what he was doing. He did not tell me much about it but I knew that it involved getting to Rio.

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