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"You are back," I said and stood up. He blinked, "I... I am," he said and slowly approached me.

"I thought you would be on your way to the police by now."

"I am not going anywhere, not when that bastard is out there and my family is in danger."

He nodded, taking a sit next to me and sighing."We have a lot to do. Getting somewhere safe is my priority, my men are in Florida and Spain but I do not have enough power in the state. If I can meet allies, they can offer protection and I can take him down."

"is it that simple?"

"It is not," I knew it. Nothing was ever simple, especially when it involved things like that. Criminals and their organizations. I was not a fan, I wished to go back home. I wanted safety and comfort, nothing this life they led offered.

"The first is that Rio had put it out there and said that I am dead. Killing Me means a lot in el inframundo, Rio will be respected and in return, he would use this to reach people that would originally not help him or even glance at him.

"So what is going to happen now?" I asked.

"We wait, listen, Benito is sending some of my best men to the country and if my grip still has string then nobody will be willing to do Rio's budding."

"so we are stuck here?" He nodded, confirming my fear. I sighed, collapsing back into the chair I was sitting in.

"What do you intend on doing, I want to go home. I want my family to be safe, and each minute I spend here knowing that my family is in danger makes it harder for me."

"I..." he stopped, "I will get my men in New York, your family will be protected."

"What of me? Can I not just go back home? I have a life back in NY, I can't just leave it!" I said eagerly.

"Staying here is best for you, Aviva, I can offer the best protection. Plus, we are not sure of Rio's reach. Travelling and association with your family could put them in more danger than they are already."

"Fuck my life," I muttered to myself, rubbing my eyes. "How long are we going to be here?"

"A few hours maybe a day," he shrugged.

"I do not want this, this is not what I wanted for my life! For my family!" I lamented. He watched me quietly, "I do not wish for you to be in danger but Rio will stop at nothing, you have seen what he can do and you said he almost raped you. He will go after your family if he feels you are in communication with them."

"And who fault is this? Why exactly will you murder his father anyways?! His sister died because of you! How to do except him not be psychotic?"

"Again, I am not obligated to explain my reasoning to you, I made the decision already.

"Well, I think it is fair I know why the hell I am on the run from a crazy psycho!"

"You know all you need to know!" Eduardo sneered, making me frown. I twisted my mouth but chose to say nothing. I glanced at Nicolas who entered the small apartment.

Eduardo watched the man enter the small kitchen and started bringing stuff out. Edurado's shoulder tense making my frown deepen. His hands went to the gun he had been carrying around for days.

"Nicolas? What are you doing?" I asked, standing. Nicolas turned to us, "You were lying to me! To us!" he snapped at Eduardo, who rose immediately.

"What are you saying..."

"Do not even try to deny it! And I knew it was all a lie! Evan?! What a stupid name! I just knew that you were lying but I was not sure so I got to know who you are Eduardo Reyez!"

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