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What the hell was happening? Mikel and I helped Aviva out of the room, Don Donald was right behind me, thankfully Doctor Fatima was at the party when it happened. She was called into the room and she sent all of us out of the room.

This was the biggest news of the decade! Aviva?! Lilian Gonzales and Donald Gonzales long lost daughter?!

I was so wrapped up in Rio's mess that I never truly dug into her life, She seemed clean on surface level but Alejandro had suggested we do a deeper sweep, one that would help us determine if she had anything to do with the El inframundo. I should have listened! I should have checked?! I should have known! Once again I was so incompetent that information slipped from me! I hated it, I hated feeling incompetent.


Alejandro and Carlos walked toward me, I couldn't hide the worry that clouded my expression, Marco had asked his men to invite their guest to the garden to get the attention to shift away from us, and he had asked Lorenzo and Catalina to continue entertaining the guests to save face I presumed.

The Gonzales and I were at the front of the door, I worried to no that anything happened to her. I would be shocked if I found out that I had been tied to the Mexican cartel. I wasn't allied with the Cartel, I ruined Spain and they ran South America, I was powerful but I knew not to go after them.

They were old powers that even Marco Manici wouldn't go after, I assumed he had learnt from the war he fought for over twenty years. They came to a truce just over a decade ago, but the original promise was an agreement they made fourteen years ago about a union between Rosalia Gonzales and Lorenzo Manici. This was what got them to drop the gun. Now, Rosalia Gonzales turned out to be a fraud and the woman that I had hijacked her car was their daughter. How little and crazy the world was!

Fatima walked out of the room and I turned to her, " Fatima, what's wrong? Is she alright? Did something happen to her?" I was anxious to know. I didn't care about Donald looking at me. I just wanted to be assured that she was fine! That nothing happened to her.

"She is fine, she just had a panic attack, she was overwhelmed, and she needs to rest away from stress, any sort of stress."

Fatima didn't turn to Donald and his family throughout the time, I was not sure he was happy about that fact. I sighed, visibly relaxing, I was happier, there was nothing wrong with her which was good. I had very little I was terrified of in this world, and I realized that anything happening to Aviva was one of them.

"I want a paternity test done Doctor Fatima," my eyes snapped toward him. Was he crazy?! He wanted to do a paternity test?! While Aviva was having a panic attack. Was he crazy?! It would be so much stress on her! Donald was very insensitive.

"Don Donald, Aviva..." he raised his hands to stop me. "I do not care what you think Don Reyes, this is family business and I am not seeking your opinion on this."

Alejandro opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him with a glare. Donald was right, it wasn't my business, and I wouldn't want anyone to interfere with my family affairs, Donald was the head of the family and if what I suspected was true then he was also Aviva's father, which meant I had no say in how things went no matter how much I hated it. No matter how ns fly I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself!

"Doctor Fatima, how fast can you do a DNA test?" Donald asked her. She glanced at me and I nodded at her. She turned back to Donald who had a clenched jaw, he wasn't happy that she asked my permission to speak.

"The fastest it could take is about twelve to twenty-four hours, but..."

"I want it done, I want it done in three hours." Fatima's mouth opened and closed, she rubbed the back of her head.

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