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Something was wrong!

I thought as I watched life slowly drain from the man's eyes. My ears pecked as I heard more subtle footsteps, 'fuck! Another trap!' They were a suicide squad! they were just here to weaken me. To cause enough damage for me not to escape. They were not my real captors. I should have known something wasn't right when only five men came. I was famous for being a one-man army, nobody was stupid enough to come with only five men.

It was known in El inframundo. Anyone who wanted to capture me wouldn't bring an army of five cowardly men! It just seemed suspicious. I pulled the gun to the floor and picked it up, pushing it inside my pants pocket.

Fuck! I needed to get the hell out of here or I would not survive this.

This was all planned out perfectly, the traitor knew me well. I moved away from the lifeless body, as men rushed and broke in from every part of the room. The top-to-bottom glass window shattered, and about eleven men entered the room through the window, ten from the door, some breaking through the ceilings. I was bleeding already from the stab earlier. After the dart and the men I just fought, I would pass out soon and they were armed with enough equipment to take down a small country.

I cannot believe I fell into this trap! Fuck! I touched my pocket pulling the A.357 magnum revolver that was landing next to the floor. I looked around knowing I had to cause a diversion, red dots filled my body as snipers pointed their guns at me.

I panted, holding my side as a sharp pain shot through my body, resulting in me almost doubling over. I couldn't show weakness. Even wounded I still had to remain strong, I had too much at stake to be captured. I glanced at the gas cooker and internally sighed in relief, I wasn't far from it thankfully.

Looking up, Reo entered the room and I clenched my fist, so he was the traitor. Fuck! Rep betrayed me! I should have known better! The little bastard! How dare he go against me!

"Hermano," (brother) I said coolly staring at my now ex-brother, he was one of the most efficient ambush creators in my gang and the fact that I had fallen into his trap proved it.

I started turning on the gas button slowly, it would take about seven and a half or so minutes for the smell to reach the man nearest to me.

"Bienvenido hermano, Como ha sido tu estancia hasta ahora?" (welcome brother, how has your stay been so far?) Reo asked, eyeing my bloody wounded form knowing I was trapped and there was nowhere to go.

I even with the sniper's guns pointed at me, walked slowly toward the fridge pulling out a bottle of absolut vodka, I needed to show the little shot that I was u faze that this little display! I cannot believe he would do that to me after everything that I had done to him. I should have known better not to underestimate him. Reo frowned, he reaffirmed his stance staring at how calm I was. I almost chucked at this, he was rightfully scared.

I grinned, finding a plastic cup and pouring myself the chilled alcohol, "¡precioso! ¡precioso! Esta bienvenida de mi hermano debería haber sido esperada," (lovely! Lovely! This welcome from my brother should have been expected).

Reo nodded, "Si, even hermano tenemos mucho que discutir," (yes, come, brother, we have much to discuss brother).

I looked up as he signalled some of his men, they slowly approached me knowing I was still the predator, my chest rose and fell with pride. I was glad they didn't forget who I was and what I was capable of, I took pride in the way the men cowered as they approached me, I would prove to them that I was still the predator in this case.

"We already had a conversation, Reo, now there is no need to," I walked toward the sink next to the kitchen exit, the door to my freedom, staring back at him, my heart pounded knowing nothing must go wrong, I knew who the traitor was now I had to get the hell out of there.

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