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I dragged the body out of the lake, what the hell was I doing?! I coughed taking in a lot of air. shivering, and coughing once more, my eyes barely able to see, it was so cold that I knew if we didn't leave the place and find somewhere safe we would freeze to death.

I turned toward the man that was lying next to me, I was glad we had fallen into a shallow part of the river, I was smart enough to have unlocked my car.

Although I was left with a weak body, buzzing ear, and a badly injured man, who was still bleeding out, I might have drowned, I didn't know why I used all her strength to drag him out of the water, he was huge and had a lot of weight. I spent at least ten minutes trying to pull him out. I turned toward his body still panting due to exhaustion, my eyes drooping in tiredness, I touched him and shivered, his body was ice cold.

"Fuck!" he would die soon! I willed myself to get off my butt even though it was the hardest thing to do, my body ached all over, my forehead bleeding from the fall we suffered, water had entered my eyes, ears, and nose and the snow made our situation ten times worse. I knew my situation wasn't nearly as bad as his.

I removed his hands from the tightly gripped part of his body, frowning as I pushed the soaked hoodie, I glanced toward the water coughing, looking up to hear a loud cry, I saw a woman fall into the water, a silhouette of three men standing over the bridge.

Were those the men chasing after them? Was I overthinking things? My head ached, my brain was fuzzy. I could not think straight, I felt like collapsing, and I had little to no strength. I felt like vomiting all the content of my stomach.

If they descended the bridge they would slowly find us and kill us? they had just thrown a woman off the bridge. I turned toward the man that was lying unconscious, he had hijacked my car, held me at gunpoint, and made me drive off the bridge resulting in me being in this situation in the first place, it wouldn't be wrong to leave him here.

Only God knew what he did to attract those dangerous men?!

I touched a tree and tried to get up, my head pounded a thousand times, the fall now taking a toll on my body. I looked down at my shaking legs, it was aching badly. I bent over and groaned, tears almost falling from my eyes as I felt excruciating pain coming from my body.

Maybe that fall was not as easy as it seemed, I glanced at the man again as I managed to get off the floor, my head pounding, and my body dizzy. I looked up to see men approaching us, with flashlights that could blind anyone. I tried to move but my body gave out and I fell next to the man that had hijacked my car, my head going blank.

* * * *

I coughed, my droopy eyes opening, I closed them back feeling as though I was in a confined box.

"Hey! Eduardo!" someone slapped my face making sure I did not go back to slumber, I opened my eyes once more, my eyes going directly to a woman sitting opposite me. She was tied and restrained as she looked around with terrified eyes. I blinked several times before looking down to see my condition. I shifted feeling the tight grip of the ropes on my weak body. Men were everywhere! A lot of men.

Rio turned back to me and smiled, "¿Finalmente te levantaste, Bella durmiente?" (you are finally awake, sleeping beauty?). I took a look around, I was not cold anymore, we were far away from New York, very far away.

I glanced at the woman in front of me, the woman I was sitting in front of. My eyes went back to the little bastard Rio who was grinning at me. "que quieres Rio?" (what do you want Rio?), I snarled at him, furious.

"¡Esa no es forma de saludar a un Hermano, Eduardo! Donde Esta el abrazo Los Besos?" (that is not a way to greet a brother, Eduardo! Where is the hug? The kisses?) I rolled my eyes pulling on the restraint.

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