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My eyes raked through her body, I blinked and heard a damn behind me, I was sure it was Carlos behind me but I could not hear it over the ringing of my ear and the blood that had rushed south.

Aviva was staring at me with wide eyes, Aviva held my Château Cheval Bla, she was practically wearing nothing, small strings covered her vaginal, and a small triangle covered her firm tits, my eyes darkened and her chest tightened, what the hell was she trying to do?!

This was why I didn't want Catalina around her! Why the hell was she wearing this that looked like it belonged to a lingerie advertisement? She could fit the part!

Aviva was stunning! Her body was magnificent! I drank her in and felt my head swirl, a sense of desire and possession flashed in my eyes, I glared at her, and then my eyes went to Mikel her bodyguard! Why would he let her come out of her fucking room like this?! Why would she fucking parade herself like this?! Was this to anger me?! To rile me up?! To make me go insane?!

She was not even trying, she was effortlessly doing it, "What the hell is this?!" I snarled, my desire had not gone down, I had a raging hard and I fucking wanted her, fuck! What the hell was she doing wearing that little thing that left nothing for me to imagine?! Aviva knew exactly what she was doing wearing that fucking beautiful piece out of her fucking room. Her entire body was gorgeous, her skin was shiny, it was coffee brown and she looked like she just came out of this fucking sex ad, fuck I wanted to know how she fucking tasted, I wanted to lick her, her skin would be so smooth.

Mikel all my men saw her! They fucking saw her! Were they having a hard time just like me? Did they have a raging fucking hard-on? Of course, they did. No male with a working cock wouldn't have a hard-on, "Catalina! We will be late for our party, let us go," she pulled Catalina's hand and started dashing away.

As she turned toward the other side of the hallway, her ass was on full display, my mouth was hanging loose as I watch her walk off. She was fucking hot, the little sting hung between her ass and as she walked her ass shook, they looked soft and I was sure they felt fucking soft.

I imagined what she would be like naked under me crying and begging for me, fuck! That was a new fantasy and I knew the image was burnt in my brain, it would never leave my kicking brain till I was six feet under.

My eyes went to Carlos and Alejandro, "Get into the fucking office! Now!" I screamed at them, they blinked, and I cut their fantasy short. Fuckers!

"Wow, I never knew that Aviva had such a hot body, I mean with that body any ma could fall under her spell," Carlos grinned. I glared at the bastard, I had never wanted to bash his face in like I did at that moment!

"I mean... She looked like those pornhub models but even better... Wearing an oversized t-shirt has hidden such a rare gem from me! I have found my soul ma..."

I hurled my glass filled at him, fury burnt through me, I saw red, fucking red. Carlos went mute and Alejandro gaped at me, I was panting hard, maybe having all that pent-up frustration was making me insane. I knew Carlos was annoying but I should not have done that.

"Do not fucking talk about her like that!" I screeched, Carlos stepped back, glancing at Alejandro for help, but Alejandro merely shrugged as if he did not give a fuck about whatever was going on.

"Bos... I am... Sorry..."

"I want Mikel in the office now! How the fuck did he let her fucking walk around my fucking house wearing that sex trap thing! Fuck! I knew Catalina coming here was a fucking bad idea! I want her here! Tell Aviva that I want her here now!" I screamed at Carlos who nodded and ran out of the office.

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