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My birthday was usually fun! Bianca and I went out, and then we spent the night in her house, Aunty Dina would also be there, we would wine and dine and I would get gifts from everyone.

I remember that my last birthday was a disaster, I invited David against Bianca's advice, and he turned up drunk, and recked the mini party Bianca and Aunt Dina organized. He apologized to me by buying me some flowers which were roses. I said nothing to him afterwards because, soon after he cheated on me. I was so mad that I slashed his tires. I have done some crazy things that I am not proud of due to anger.

My birthday was going to be boring, I predicted it, there wasn't anything that was going to happen, it would just be another day, I was turning thirty-four and it was a big age for me but I wasn't going to do anything. I didn't want to celebrate without my aunt and my best friend, and although Catalina had sent me a text wishing me I still felt awful.

Eduardo didn't visit ms last night, he hadn't for some days. After the amazing blowjob, we just messed around a little bit, a kiss here and there nothing else. I felt like he was restraining himself from going any further.

We watched movies and talked at learnt about my life and a little about his, he wasn't much of a talked, I knew this but I wished I knew more about his life. He was keeping a lot from me even though I knew he was being honest with whatever I asked him.

I lay in bed, for about another hour, no text from Bianca or Aunt Dina, I waited and waited but nothing. Maybe they forgot, after all, I refused to go back to New York. I was messed up, I had eaten the new nails I had fixed, and my hair was packed but I knew that some strains were out of the plastic rubber I used. I didn't feel like standing from the bed, I felt like sinking more into the bed.

I heard the door open and I turned around, Eduardo was standing there, dressed in a three-piece suit, I am sure that suit cost more than my rent back in New York, it looked very fancy and expensive. He walked toward me, the small heels of his shoes clinking against the tiled floor.

"Good morning," he sat at the edge of my bed, "good morning, you are back? Carlos told me you had something important to do."

I wasn't surprised that he was gone again, he had not constant in the house since that night, I was sure it had something to do with Rio but nobody would tell me anything of substance.

"Yes, I had things to take care of, but I wanted to make back for your birthday, Happy birthday Aviva," I smiled, at least he remembered.

"Thank you," I placed my head on the headboard, "I thought everyone forgot."

I looked down at my phone, I was still waiting for a call or a text from them, something must have happened because it was unlike them to just not text me.

"Are you alright? You do not seem happy?" I shrugged, I was trying to be strong but I felt like crying. Bianca and Aunt Dina meant a lot to me, for them not to call or text me made me feel shittier than I already felt.

"I thought they would at least call me, I mean it's my birthday, shouldn't they call me or something? I am worried about them, maybe something happened," I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Do you think it might have something to do with Rio? It is so unlike Aunty Dina! She would have called! Bianca would have left a message to something!"

"Relax," he muttered, and took my hand, "you need to breathe, Everything is going to be fine, I know that you are worried about them but Rio will not be going anywhere near your aunt and your friend, I have made sure of it."

I sighed, Maybe they just didn't remember, maybe they had moved on with their lives, I can't handle the pain of accepting that they are living their lives without me, I didn't wish for all this to happen. I hated Rio so much for putting me in this position, I wanted my family back, I wanted my freedom back. I just wanted to see my family.

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