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Nobody needed to tell me how stupid I had been. Running around, getting pregnant for a man who was married. I should have known! I should have figured it out, but now knowingly or unknowingly, I have become a homewrecker. It was something that I promised myself never to be after how many times David cheated on me in the past, I never wanted to br that woman, trapped because of love with a man that belonged to another.

This man was one I couldn't forget, he occupied my mind day and night. He was always in my dreams, I thought about him often. I used all my time and resources trying to get him out of jail I had no security whatsoever to get out of it.

He took a bullet for me, I thought that was the weight of love but then this betrayal? I had to think about a lot of things, I have had time to think about how my life was going to go forward and I could not let it be dictated by a man, I could not let another man in power determine what my life would be. My child was going to have a strong mother, who would put it first regardless of whatever happened.

I wiped my tears away thinking that there was no use crying, he was probably out by now, enjoying his life with his wife. He probably has even forgotten my existence. Oh God! It hurts! It hurt me so much just thinking that the man I loved did not care one bit about me.

Tears continued running down my eyes, my back shook as I did not know what to do. I felt relieved that at least he would be out of jail but at the same time, the tears, the pain, and the anguish attacked my heart viciously. They left my heart bleeding from heartbreak and sorrow at my stupidity. My ignorance to ever look at things from an objective point of view.

Catalina did not ask directly but I knew what she meant when she asked if I had any possessions, everything was left in his house, and I was lucky to find myself alive. I did not want anything to happen to my child but then again, I was terrified that something could but I had nowhere to go.

Catalina used her last chance to take me back to the airport, they would never allow me to see her. It was not even advisable, I could be killed on sight just because of that. I closed my eyes when I heard a step behind me.

Someone took their sit next to me making open my eyes, my mouth full open to find, "Maria..." I called before I could stop myself


I hated being in America, I hated everything about this country, I felt like a sitting duck in this country, and I could do not much because of my lack of power. I was exhausted, coming out of prison and having to search for my woman, after killing another traitor that I had been keeping around for so long.

I felt like breaking down but of course, I could not, I had to continue forward as if my eyes were not sore and my bones were not aching.

"What did you find?" I asked CJ, and he shook his head, "Nothing, not yet, after the cameras left the airport and picked her up, it has been radio silence ever since."

I slammed my hands on my desk angrily, "fuck!" how could they have let this happen?! Javier was supposed to protect her! I left her in his care and he allowed them to do this to her? I felt like buttering him but I knew it was not the time yet, I needed to find Aviva, fast.

"Keep searching, nobody rests until we find her are we clear?" they nodded.

The door opened and I looked up, Lisa entered and I frowned, she might have been one of my staff but allowing herself to be a tool in the deposition of Aviva was no one thing I was pleased with. I kept my opinion to myself, I was leaving this fucking place soon, and as soon as I found Aviva, I would leave fucking place and I will not come back ever, America had taken a lot from me and I was tired of it.

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