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A lot had happened to me in the past three weeks, My men were mad at me rightfully so, and Marco Mancini had turned his back on me and I had no form of protection in Los Angeles, I couldn't do anything because I refused to let Aviva go.

I have lost count of the number of millions I have lost because of Aviva, I couldn't break my promise to her no matter what. It was frustrating that Marco would resort to this but I refused to conform to whatever box he wanted me to fit.

Donald attacked me directly, he waged war against me and it cost me more than I bargained, My enemies were clamping down on me and with all the resources I had, I wouldn't last long. Donald and Marco knew this but they didn't know that I refused to break my promise to Aviva. I couldn't feed her to the wolves to save myself.

"Boss, please... I didn't do it!" The man begged for his life, I didn't even know his name, he was one of the lower associates who worked with CJ, I didn't care enough to know his name but the little rebellion that was slowly arising in my gang was frustrating. First Rio then this?!

Alejandro had battered him so much that I could see more blood than skin, I was sitting opposite him watching him, and we found that he had been communicating with Donald about Aviva, I was furious when I found out but it was more baffling that Donald was able to infiltrate my gang in just two weeks.

I played with my gun as I stayed at me, and he was caught at the entrance of Aviva's wing, and upon questioning Mikel knew something was wrong, so he removed it back to me accordingly and then here we were, in a small makeshift dungeon, not far from the dorks that I just purchased.

"Why were you at the wing? Why was there a report of money being transferred to you by Donald's cousin?" I asked him calmly. He glanced at Mikel who held a bloody hammer, tightly, Upon my command he would hit it on his hand.

"I have no idea what you are talking about sir, I am innocent... I... Shouldn't have gone to the miss's wing but I was just curious, I just wanted to know who Rosalia Gonzales was, Everyone says she looks just like Lilian Gonzales when she was alive, I wanted to see it."

"I do not like my men snooty around, remember what they told us when were kids? Curiosity kills the cat."

"I know, I know, I am sorry, please give me another chance, I will never do it again, please."

"I do not believe you, You are an associate, you had responsibilities but you left it to snoop around? But what do about the money you were paid? What was it for?"

His mouth opened and I closed, I watched him think of the lie he was going to tell me, I waited cautiously, "I am... Sir... I don't..."

"Mikel," I said and Mikel slammed the hammer down his hand earning a shirk from him, Mikel slammed it again and again until tears started coming out of his eyes.

"Sir, please! I haven't done anything, I was just looking?"

"Looking? Is that why you were paid just three weeks after the World found out who Rosalia Gonzales truly is?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I... I... Please..." he glanced at Alejandro, "Sir Alejandro, please help me... Please..." he pleaded and I chuckled darkly.

"I will spare you," I said finally, and he looked up with hope in his eyes. "What?" the man said before he could stop himself, "if you tell me why they sent you?"

He shook his head, "No one sent me to do anything, please sir Eduardo, just hear me out!"

Alejandro pulled out his gun and shot him in the head before he could say anymore, I took in a breath and stood to my feet. I was covered in his blood, I would need a good shower. It was currently two am in the morning and my bones were crying from exhaustion but I moved out of the makeshift dungeon.

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