★ #12 | you there?

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park jongseong

★ #12 | you there?"Yeah, Min Hyerin

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★ #12 | you there?
"Yeah, Min Hyerin."

now playing..

From the Dining Table , Harry Styles
"We haven't spoke since
you went away.."


PARK Jongseong threaded his fingers through his dark hair, visibly stressed as he rested back into the couch, eyes focused on his phone screen. "What are you doing?" A voice interrupted, causing him to jump in surprise and turn off his phone.

"My god, do you feel it's necessary to jumpscare me every single time?" Jay complained, pressing his hand against his beating heart as he let out a deep sigh. Lee Heeseung snickered, plopping himself down onto the couch across from his younger friend.

"Of course I do." He replied with a winsome grin, raising a brow as he stared at his friend curiously. For context, the two were hanging out due to Heeseung complaining to the group chat that he was bored.

Jay, who had nothing better to do, decided to keep his friend company as he could use it himself. However, the constant trouble lingered in his mind repeatedly; unable to shake the worrisome thought from his brain.

"Anyway, what's got you so stressed? I know that expression." Heeseung sent a beckoning nod, narrowing his eyes as he waited patiently for a response.

"You know that girl I met at the party?" Jay tilted his head, earning a nod from Heeseung as he snapped his fingers together.

"Oh, yeah! Uh.. Min Hyerin, right? I think that's her name, right? Unless I'm remembering incorrectly." Heeseung furrowed his brows, as Jay laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, Min Hyerin." He repeated her name, a sad smile on his lips as he released a deep sigh. Heeseung pursed his lips, staring at his friend intently.

"What about her?"

"It's just that.. we haven't talked in two days. I know, it's not that long. But it's like she's almost.. ghosting me. All of my messages are left on delivered, not even read. And, she really doesn't seem like the type to ghost somebody." Jay breathed out.

"The last thing we talked about was actually planning something to meet with all of you guys. She seemed excited about it; said it would be fun. But I don't know if she was just pretending to like the idea." Jay added on, nibbling down at his bottom lip.

"I'm a bit worried I scared her off with the sudden suggestion of plans." He admitted plainly, crossing his arms across his chest.

Heeseung hummed, nodding his head in understanding to the current situation between his friend and the girl.

"You said it seemed unlike her to ghost somebody like that, right?" Heeseung raised a brow, earning a quick nod from the younger.

"Perhaps she's going through a tough time then? Maybe something to do with work or school, I'm not sure. Plus, I feel like if it was something against you, she would've just blocked your number by now." Heeseung pointed out, taking a deep breath.

"My point is, if you're really that worried, just have Sunoo message her or something. Maybe she'll respond after that. I'm sure it's nothing.. she's probably just busy or something." Heeseung suggested, yawning as he buried himself deeper into the couch; hugging a random throw pillow close to his chest.

"What? I'm sorry, but that sounds like a horrible idea. If she really is just busy, that'll just make me seem creepy and like I'm stalking her or something.." Jay grimaced, shaking his head.

"It really won't tho? I mean, what other option do you have?" The older raised a brow, staring curiously at the younger who pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"I don't know.. wait it out, I guess? I don't want to disturb her in any way. And I especially don't want to make myself seem like some kind of desperate creep.." he mumbled, blinking slowly as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Wait it out? And then what..? What happens if she really is in some sort of trouble, and could use someone to talk to. Then what will you do? You can't necessarily avoid it. At least if she is ghosting you or something, you can say you tried your best." Heeseung reasoned.

"I mean, I guess.." Jay sighed out, shrugging his shoulders before digging his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie, unlocking it with ease as his fingers immediately traveled to the messages app.

"I'll text her one more time. If she doesn't respond then, I'll ask Sunoo to politely message her just to make sure she's alright. It doesn't even have to be associated with me.. I don't even care if she's ghosting me or not; I'd just rather be assured that she's alright and not in some kind of trouble." The boy rambled, thumbs hovering over his keyboard as he wondered what exactly to say.

Heeseung nodded his head in understanding, watching silently as his friend texted the girl. After he was done, the older tossed the TV remote in his direction.

"Here, turn on a cartoon or something. I don't care." He requested, earning a huff from Jay who set his phone back in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Why? So you can just fall asleep whilst watching it?" He joked, eyes focused on the TV screen hooked up to the wall.

"Okay, in my defense, I stayed up all night watching a bunch of movies. I even made a giant blanket fort in here, but I took it down in the morning." Heeseung defended himself, as Jay hummed.

"Yeah, I can tell." The younger muttered, eyes skimming across the living room floor; focusing on all the blankets and pillows discarded messily everywhere. Going on about his day, Jay turned on Tom & Jerry, knowing it was something quiet as he knew full well the two of them were likely to just fall asleep and to it.


today, 4:07pm.

you there?


★﹐authors corner .﹗﹑
double update because i believe this
has already been established, but i love
spoiling you all 😞

this is getting out of hand

gonna make you all wait like
two weeks one of these days
just for a chapter just so i can
enter my evil arc 😈‼️

kidding kidding

july 15th, 2023 -- 11:47pm.
not proofread.

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