★ #14 | phone call

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park jongseong

★ #14 | phone call"don't feel the need to apologize,it's okay

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#14 | phone call
"don't feel the need to apologize,
it's okay."

now playing..

coffee , beabadoobee
"and i promise that one day,
i'll feel alright."


THE repetitive buzzing of his phone gave him an extra push to get up from his half-awake state; rolling over in his bed with a sigh as he reached out for his phone in the dimly lit bedroom. The boy rubbed his eyes, unlocking his phone with face ID as he swiped up, looking at his notification bar.

The boy was unfazed upon seeing the continuous notifications come in from his group chat with his friends; as it was normal to him. They'd spam the group chat nightly, to the point that it felt like it was just a normal nightly routine.

However, just below that notification, his eyes widened slightly in surprise upon seeing the familiar contact displayed in bold letters on his screen, suddenly feeling more awake as he sat up in the bed; positioning himself so he was leaning into the pillows set up behind him against the backboard.

Opening the text messages sent three whole hours ago, his eyes skimmed over the messages as a wave of relief washed over him knowing that she was alright; yet a frown tugged at his lips as a feeling of worry replaced his relief.


today, 6:27pm.


sorry i haven't been very
responsive recently and
have been ignoring your
messages a bunch

i didn't intend to make you
worry at all, and i certainly
hope that i don't seem like
some asshole who ghosted
you on purpose bc i really am
genuinely sorry about it

i've been going through
some things and not been
feeling the best so the thought
of texting someone was very
draining to me for some reason

i'm so sorry

today, 9:04pm.

don't feel the need
to apologize, it's okay

i get it

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