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Your training with Goku went from the moment the sun was setting all the way until it was right around the time you usually went to bed.

Laid out on your front lawn, you were trying to catch your breath. Your lungs burned, your body was aching, but you were beaming at the fact that you made it this long. Training with Goku was no walk in the park for anyone but the Saiyan himself.

Hearing the spiky haired Saiyan plop down next to you, you open your eyes and turn your head to look at him, taking in the happy smile he had. "You did really well, Y/N! I know you'll be a really great fighter in no time!" Goku tells you, giggling happily.

Snorting, you turn your gaze up to the semi clear night sky, looking at a few thick storm clouds drifting over. "I've still got a long way to go, though. You are definitely no pushover, and I tried multiple times to get you to budge from your spot alone." You say, jokingly punching his arm.

Laughing, Goku stares up at the sky with you, still beaming. "You'll get better, I promise! We can start working on your ki tomorrow if you'd like!" You hum lightly, lifting your hand up to your face some. "That would be really nice, but I don't even know if I have that..." You say, your voice trailing off before sighing and going to drop your hand, only for Goku to grab your hand.

"You do, I feel it. It's strong, too! We just have to work on bringing it out." You look at him playfully. "You just want to fight me, Goku. You're not that slick you know." You accuse him as his onyx eyes stare into your own, giggling with him before thinking. "Well, there are lots of perks to strengthening your ki! Including flying!"

Your eyes sparkle a bit before you grin happily at the thought. "You sure you want me to get more powerful, Goku? I don't want to end up kicking your butt so bad that you get upset."

"What? No way, I'd never be upset with you being able to get the drop on me with that! But that's if you don't slack off." You scoffed, feigning offense. "Me, a slacker? How dare you, sir?" You say, both of you laughing together for a moment before quieting down and looking up at the sky together.

You didn't even realize that you were still holding hands with the Saiyan until you started questioning what time it was and went to sit up, your cheeks flushing from his hand wrapped warmly around yours before you carefully pulled away and caught his attention quickly.

"Heh, you're going to get in trouble if you don't hurry home, Goku." You tell your spiky haired friend, and his eyes widen with realization before he's shooting upright to his feet quickly. "Oh man, you're right! Chi-Chi's going to kill me!"

You chuckle, standing to your feet more carefully than the Saiyan as he turns to you with a happy smile. "I'll come over first thing after breakfast so we can work on your ki training. Sounds good?" You nod, giving him a two finger salute with a smile. "Aye aye, sensei." You joke, making him show you his pearly whites.

"Goodnight by the way, Goku." You tell him after, and you swear he has a slight pink tinge on his cheeks before he's grinning and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb before he's waving softly to you. "Goodnight, Y/N."

You smile, watching as he floats up before flying off towards his home. It would be so cool to learn how to do that!

Grinning to yourself, you stretch your sore muscles carefully and walk into your home, closing the door behind yourself. "Oof, he did a number on me with training today, but 'No pain No Gain'." You quote, heading to your room.

After a long shower and changing into your pajamas, you went straight to sleep in your bed as your fatigue got to you.


Goku hadn't flown all the way home despite how easily he could get there. Instead he had touched down halfway through the small forest to walk the rest of the way, his thoughts pondering over a few things. Mainly, these feelings that had been becoming more recent.

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