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(I swear every time I think I can get away with just watching an episode, i feel like it calls out to me to write every time something happens with Goku)

"I can still take Jiren," Goku declared confidently, but his words drew your attention, prompting a concerned glance at your husband. "You still need to rest, though. You're not at a hundred percent. Besides, I should probably start helping eliminate other opponents, improving our odds in this tournament," you countered. The old instinct to evade rather than confront surged within you, a lingering preference to fly over diving headfirst into battles. However, the pulsating warrior spirit within your Saiyan genes, newly awakened, tugged stronger than anticipated. The varied energies surrounding you ignited an itch, a primal urge urging the warrior within to break free.

Goku had battled practically since infancy, honing techniques and instincts over time. But you, a newly unfurled lioness navigating her initial hunt, still had much to absorb despite uncovering strengths from your natural heritage.

Goku's glance spoke volumes, his kiss to your cheek eliciting a smile that didn't require words for reassurance. He harbored unwavering belief in your prowess.

Yet, when the Robotic God of Destruction issued an enigmatic command, it took the intervention of the Angel from that universe to convey the metallic deity's intent.

"Target Son Goku and Son Y/N."

Both you and Goku tensed in unison, bracing for the abrupt assault from the advancing robotic adversaries. As the metallic appendages and claws darted toward you, evading seemed futile; the only recourse was to confront these mechanized foes, especially as they aimed to separate you from your recovering spouse.

With a determined growl, you transformed into your SSBlue form, targeting the joints and vulnerabilities of the robotic adversaries. However, their coordinated efforts to encircle you presented a challenge.

"Y/N!" Goku's call reached your ears as you collided against a wall, swiftly rebounding to stand protectively beside him. As he dispatched one of the robots to the ground, your lips murmured, "Looks like I'll have to tap into my beast form, huh?" Goku's gaze met yours. "Just for a while," he urged, and you nodded.

In a flicker, you assumed your SSBlueBeast form, your flames casting a pastel blue hue infused with magenta lightning streaks, while your claws gleamed pristine white. Precision and swiftness became your mantra, ensuring judicious use of energy to avoid depleting your reserves prematurely.

The robotic warriors identified your protective stance around Goku, directing their attacks relentlessly towards you, recognizing you as the more immediate threat.

In an onslaught of swift maneuvers, they exploited any vulnerabilities you showed while watching over Goku. He observed their tactics, warning you, "Y/N, they're trying to wear you down by using me as bait."

As Goku kept an eye on you, he noticed a change in your transformation. Sensing and witnessing it, he observed the intensifying protection you exhibited heightening the speed and ferocity of your assaults against the relentless warriors. Your pastel blue flames, once vibrant and translucent, began to radiate a searing, transparent white with your tail oscillating in a frenzy of mixed Azul and ruby hues.

An increasing agitation seemed to permeate your being, even as Goku defended you. Your energy surged erratically, soaring for a moment before plummeting drastically, yet your SSBlueBeast form persisted. However, when the three robotic warriors cornered you after your separation from Goku, your flames turned stark white with coursing black streaks.

Goku's eyes widened as realization struck; it bore an uncanny resemblance to Ultra Instinct, but there was an evident distinction.

The Angels and Gods of Destruction were drawn to this occurrence, Beerus rising abruptly in surprise. "Is she transforming too?! Two mortals mastering Ultra Instinct like this? Unbelievable!" Whis's revelation brought about a more troubling implication. "This stems solely from Y/N's energy, unlike Goku's transformation that integrated the Spirit Bomb's energy. Could it be that female Saiyans possess this potential?" Whis speculated, prompting Beerus to recall Solara and Gina, Goku and Y/N's daughters. "So, is Y/N extraordinarily powerful or just outright dangerous?" Beerus inquired, to which Whis replied with a knowing smile, "We'll need to witness it firsthand, Lord Beerus."

Having dispatched the robotic adversaries momentarily, you appeared strained as you landed, adopting a defensive stance akin to a primal beast protecting its territory.

The heat from your form forced Goku to retreat slightly, but he felt an unusual surge in his own energy. Could it be that, as mates, you were transferring energy to him? Concern welled within him; if your situation mirrored his initial transformation, he'd have to act to balance your overwhelming energy.

Amidst this, Goku glanced momentarily towards Jiren, sensing the Universe 11 warrior's gaze fixed on you. His attention snapped back when you snarled, but then something unexpected unfolded.

In a mere fraction of a second, the transformation resembling Ultra Instinct surged within you, yet it was distinctly different. Your eyes mirrored the silver hue of Ultra Instinct, but your pupils, now slitted and vivid blood-red, flickered like dancing flames. Despite the transformation, a sense of calmness emanated from you, yet an unsettling feeling permeated Goku's senses, as if you were a predator in their midst.

When a robot approached you while seemingly down, you sprang with lightning speed, evoking a sudden sonic boom. Had Goku not held onto a piece of the structural debris, he'd have been ejected from the arena like the robot that dared to approach you.

The magnificence and terror of your energy were evident, yet it was fleeting, dissipating rapidly. You struggled to regain control, your pupils dilating heavily, almost overtaking your irises in a struggle to contain the immense power within you.

Your breaths came in frantic gasps, the struggle to regain control evident in your rapid breathing. This wasn't the moment or the arena for such a loss of control; the intensity of the situation demanded composure.

Goku's swift reaction didn't falter. He noticed your vulnerability, a momentary lapse that attracted the attention of the robotic warriors and other fighters in the vicinity. Shielding you from their onslaught, he then turned his focus to you, witnessing your struggle to contain your surging power. If this transformation was akin to Ultra Instinct, it appeared far more volatile, deadlier, in Goku's perspective.

Ignoring the searing heat, reminiscent of your first transformation into beast mode, Goku swiftly enveloped you from behind, leaping away to protect you from the encroaching threats. His arms stayed wrapped around you, anchoring you against his chest as he sought to calm the tempest within you.

"Calm down, Y/N. As much as I'm eager for a fight, you'll exhaust yourself if you don't regain control. You need to snap out of this Mama Bear mode, alright?" Goku's voice resonated gently in your ear, trying to guide you back to stability, despite your claws digging into his already injured arms.

Amidst the chaos, you began to sense a rhythmic thumping in your chest, gradually recognizing the steady cadence as Goku's calming heartbeat. Slowly, your heart synchronized its pace to match his, a comforting reassurance amidst the turmoil. As your inner storm subsided, weakness seeped in, but it brought back your base form, allowing you to breathe more freely.

Goku, initially perturbed, witnessed your recovery with guarded relief. He wanted to smile at your regained composure, yet his attention remained on the looming threat—the two relentless robots shadowing you both.

Suddenly, Caulifla emerged out of nowhere, launching a fierce attack that dispatched both robots, revealing herself in her Super Saiyan 2 form.

Goku, still supporting you, glanced towards Caulifla with a nod of gratitude. "Thanks for that, Caulifla!"

Caulifla smirked, sizing up the situation and addressing Goku. "Since your little wife needs a breather, I'll challenge you, Son Goku!"

Goku's smirk matched Caulifla's challenge. "A challenge, huh? Let's do it."

Ensuring your stability, Goku positioned you securely before facing Caulifla, readying himself for the impending confrontation. Though he disregarded the crescent-shaped indents on his injured arms, a sharp reminder of your distress, he felt invigorated. Through your bond, you had fueled him, granting a power boost, not enough for complete healing but sufficient to keep him going. And he intended to make the most of that energy.

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