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As the tournament commenced, the energy between Goku and Botamo seemed lackluster at first.

Suddenly, Botamo sprang into action, bouncing around with incredible agility and landing a powerful blow on Goku, almost sending him tumbling out of bounds. Miraculously, Goku managed to regain his balance, swiftly turning to face Botamo once more.

However, a stifled giggle escaped as Goku humorously blamed his sluggishness on indulging in too much barbecue. Determined to rectify his food-induced lethargy, he embarked on a rapid session of squats, hoping to expedite his digestion.

In response, Botamo unleashed a barrage of emerald ki blasts from his mouth, transforming the arena into a chaotic playground. Goku evaded the attacks, darting around as if engaged in a playful game of chase. Seizing the opportunity, Goku gathered his own ki energy, forming a compact blast which he hurled towards Botamo. Unfortunately, it proved futile, causing no discernible damage.

Undeterred, Goku closed the distance between them, launching a flurry of punches at Botamo. Astonishingly, the yellow bear-like figure remained steadfast, absorbing each strike effortlessly. It was evident to any observer that this formidable opponent possessed an uncanny ability to withstand Goku's onslaught.

In a moment of desperation, Vegeta's voice boomed, urging Goku to employ his intellect. Surprisingly, Goku heeded the advice, utilizing his head in a literal sense. The sight was comical as Goku cleverly maneuvered, successfully maneuvering Botamo out of the ring by simply tripping the bear and dragging him to the edge, before simply throwing him out, much to the amusement of you and a few others.

As the tension escalated, Champa's voice pierced through the air, accusing Goku of cheating. Your brows furrowed in disapproval, directing a sharp glare towards the rotund God of Destruction. However, to your relief, Beerus and several others swiftly intervened, reprimanding Champa for his baseless accusation. Even the tournament announcer chimed in, expressing their support for Goku and denouncing Champa's claims.

With Botamo retreating to Universe 6's side, Goku now found himself facing Frost, the Frieza counterpart from Universe 6.

To everyone's surprise, Frost extended his hand towards Goku, initiating a friendly gesture. He then earnestly requested that the outcome of their match should not hinder the potential for peace between their respective universes. The unexpected display of camaraderie left you captivated, realizing that Frost might not be the villain he appeared to be.

Your gaze remained fixed on the intense battle that ensued. Frost effortlessly twirled Goku with his knees, forcefully slamming him into the ground. They exchanged blows for a brief moment before Goku called out Frost for merely testing his power level. In response, Frost unleashed his hidden strength, ascending to his next form.

The announcer eagerly informed the audience about Frost's newfound transformation, shedding light on how he utilized this power to bring an end to wars and protect innocent lives, painting Frost as a true hero.

As you observed the intense battle from your position among your team, your tail swayed with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Ki blasts and various energy attacks were exchanged between Goku and Frost, but a protective forcefield ensured the safety of the onlookers, preventing any potential injuries.

With a mischievous grin, Goku announced his intention to power up, catching Frost off guard for a moment. Sensing something amiss, Goku called out Frost for concealing his final form, goading him to reveal his true power. Frost obliged, unleashing his full potential in his ultimate form.

The clash between the two fighters intensified rapidly, but it became evident that Goku, even in his initial Super Saiyan state, held a significant advantage over Frost. Despite Frost's honorable motives, a twinge of sympathy tugged at your heart, and you sensed that you were not alone in this sentiment.

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